are you glad i answered first ?
Have you always enjoyed tickling,or is it something you discovered later in life?
Do you have any idea whatever became of Pyscho?That was long before my days here but i've read the old threads about him.
I should know this,because it was through your site that i found the TMF,but what was the first clip you produced?
Have you thought up any surprises like the "mute buttons" for next May?
I have some notions, but they are still in the early planning stages, and are thus top secret at this time...
Do you find these practical jokes fun?
I missed seeing that thread. I don't mean to *bug* you with history questions,but i find this stuff fascinating.When and how did you get to know Myriads and Max?
What are jehosaphats? And why are they always jumping?
Can I get one of these for Christmas?
I met Max when he contacted me to do a custom video for him. I already knew who he was because he had already written some of the kitteltown stories and I was a huge fan. We ended up having a lot in common and getting along really well, and became lifelong friends.
I knew Myriads casually when the TMF was started, but we didn't really start talking until Psycho left and he offered to continue doing the things he had been doing for Scott, for me.
I don't know, and no 😎
But I want one
If I may ask,whatever happened to Flying Feather videos? Oddly enough they still have a website But I am not sure if the web owner is even around anymore
what got ya started in the video bussness?
why does bugman ask so manny questions lol?