How did the "waaah" joke originate? Did you just come up with that, or did it come from elsewhere?
I have also heard that Lee has him collared,and insists that hes raises his right leg when he needs to, know.Should i assign any credibility to such rumours?![]()
I have also heard that Lee has him collared,and insists that hes raises his right leg when he needs to, know.Should i assign any credibility to such rumours?![]()
Is it HDS or DSL?
Does Mondy make puppy noises when she sleeps?
All rumors are true.
1. My first hard question: I have to say, despite what some people would have you believe, it's HDS.
2. No, but if you put her nuk in, she'll suck on it.
NO! It's DSL dammit. And he's NOT collared to my Mommiee!
(Sorry Jeff, please feel free to continue answering your questions ^^
Has anyone ever seen KrazieDog and Slacker togeather?I suspect they might in fact be the same person.Jeff?
Is it true that Kered and Ray like to dress up like Bette Milder and Cher and sing torch songs in seedy lounges?And if so,who is Cher and who is Bette?
How well do you know BigJim and/or any of the guys on the UKTF?
Partially true... they're both Cher.
Have you ever graced the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
OMG my worst fears are confirmed.😱Dare i ask if Dan has any part in this debauchery?I've always had doubts about him..![]()
Did you enjoy making your tickling videos that you made a while back?
What are your favorite traits in a lee? (and if you say ticklishness I will stab you in the jaw...come find me after the show..i'll be the one stabbing jaws...)
Do you get my Dane Cook reference?
Do you edit your posts to fix minor typos?
Why in the hell are you up this early in the morning.
I have an excuse....whats yours?
In this great forum of ours, people come and go.
Who, if anyone do you miss the most?
I guess a better question to redeem myself, what do you have for breakfast if you choose to have it?