Yeeeeees - and I'm fucking sick of being sick!!!!!!Are you still sick? 🙁
Yeeeeees - and I'm fucking sick of being sick!!!!!!
I'll try!!!Awww! Well get better soon, Ferret Lady!
He's trying to save face.So, if there was no pwnage by the Rhino to the Skipo. Why for he say it like that?
I don't know why you think that.Why does the sound of a sonicare make you shiver?
LOL's embarrassing for him 😀 I'm trying to be a nice girl!How am I getting you in trouble? If there was no pwnage. How could saying there was't get you in trouble?
LOL I don't know what you're talking about.BULL.............Can you finish this conjoined word?
13-MCLOVIN-SNAKE EYES!!!!! IFD!!!!Who's you're favorite female TMFer?
Auwwwww - you iz Bluesy!Who is the bestest?
You of course! 😛Who's your favorite male TMFer?
Always 🙂Are you still really bored and wanting to answer questions?
NOT this many LOLHow many questions did you think you'd get asked?
NO! It was not long at all. Milliseconds even 😀That long? Wow.
I wish - I've been feeling that way all day 🙁Got anything for this crappy, just completely bleh feeling i am currently having?
Are you kidding? I couldn't be ready-er 😀 😀 😀It sucks! I haven't been sleeping well either. Which just adds to the suckage. You all ready for NEST?
13!!!!!Who are you most excited to see?
LOL I'm not surprised 😛Did you know i already knew you were gonna say that?
LOL You - I wouldn't be surprised at ALL if one of these fools dressed up as Elvis 😛Who would you be MORE surprised to see at NEST....ME or Elvis?
Any of themWhich fools?
SlackerbitchSpecifically. Who is a fool?
I gave it to him 😀 😀 😀Where did he end up with this nickname?