Hmm...Lyz is amazing. The end.what's the answer to life itself?
Um it sure fucking is!! Small alteration - brownies and lasagna...I'll make both 😀Did you know I think we, as in you and I, need to have an all night marathon watching Home Movies with pots and pans on our heads while eating brownies and ignoring all boys?
I just sorta...felt you should know, since the plan involves you.
Also, is this doable?
Um it sure fucking is!! Small alteration - brownies and lasagna...I'll make both 😀
eff cherry coke - Dr. Pepper FTW
Sweet FYI, Ghiradelli makes amazing brownie mix. No joke, it's the best I've ever had. Also, I'll bring some cherry coke.
If you could choose to live to an EXACT age, what age would you choose and why?
Yes.dr pepper?
If you try ignoring all the boys, we'll just start acting like idiots to get your attention. And that's how the Klan got started... 😀
Do you make homemade brownies?
What is your...secret...mmmmmmmmmmm? *Rests hands on chin and listens intently*
LOL no. I prefer to smoke my special instead of eat it 😛Are they...special? 😉
Well I'm not 1/2 a bus special LOL but I am pretty awesomeAre you special? 😀
Why are you online at 3PM on a Friday? 😛
How does one smoke special?
I haven't watched alot of TV lately, but I'm at work all weekend so I'll be watching lots of late-night TV and informercials 😛Have you watched any good info-mercials lately ?
I love the ShamWow guy I can't lie. But my all-time fav has got to be Billy Mays LOLdo you have a favorite info-mercial host ?
do you also watch HSN or QVC ?