Jason Reborn
Level of Triple Diamond Feather
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what does Bamf and Thirteen mean?
BAMF is me - that means BadAss MotherFucker - it's a Dane Cook thing. Me and Euphoricy both are obsessed with Dane Cook, so she calls me BAMF.what does Bamf and Thirteen mean?
Which one? The Isolated Incident tour? No -- I wanna get the DVD and see all the deleted stuff.Did you catch Dane Cook's latest standup on Comedy Central?
I have indeedyes, the Isolated Incident tour...I laughed til I cried...which makes me think...
have you ever laughed til you cried?
It's usually certain people whose sense of humor just fits perfectly with mine. My little brother is a perfect example. I can't really give you any specific examples - it's just the way we interact - he can have me in stitches in no time. I lovers him.What made you laugh hard enough to cry? (as far as your most recent memory goes)
I have no idea - I don't mix family and ticklingthat's sweet...sibling laughter...speaking of laughter...
is your little brother ticklish and if so, where's his most ticklish spot?
Probably at NEST in May -- I haven't really been tickled since then now that I think of itsorry, my bad...was running out of ideas for questions temporarily
When was the last time you got tickled in public?
One? Geez - not easy. Knot Amewzed - he's my BFFITWWIf you were stranded on a deserted isle with only one friend from the TMF, who would it be and why?
If you were given 4 brand new cans of play-dough (plastercine) Whatever you yanks call it... what kind of magical creation could we expect?
So are we close enough to NH Lee 2 that you're going to start being nice to me, or are you going to grow a pair this time and keep acting belligerent until we both get there? 😀
They do. And btw - KFC's grilled chicken is full of ASS.Does Bojangles have grilled chicken? Cuz the Colonel does.
Chyea I remember - that was right after Pete bit my fingernail off LOLdid you know that I was across the table from you when you took that picture with 13?!?!? 😀
And..did you know that we only have 6 DAYS until I see you?!?!?!? 😀
Well, there are 4722 posts in the thread -- a little less than half are my answers -- several posts have more than one question...so probably a little more than half that. So maybe like..(ugh you're making me do math) 2500?How many questions have you been asked so far?
Heh - no worriesI am sorry for making you do math. *gives you a glass of wine and a foot massage* Forgive me?