Good to know 😀
It's a phone, just like other phones, used for the same thing. Especially helpful talking to your buds overseas for free.
Boardwalk, are going to go out to dinner in Ohio, or are we going to wait for another Olive Garden run in Albany?
Being a cheese lover, did you ever have stuffed crust pizza?![]()
LMAO!!!bwhahahahahahhahahahahahahha... go look at your Facebook page at the photo I just commented on.ILY
Did you notice I tagged the orange sweatshirt in every fucking picture?? Damn yo - I didn't realize how much I wore that shit LOL INSANE!! I think I'm not even gonna bring it to Ohio to avoid any more of this tomfoolery.
LOL s'okay - I have a blue one just like it 😀I know you do! My comedy has subtly to it, like when I mentioned it the other day. It's probably best you leave it home for Bella's gathering, cause it blends in too well with her walls and you look like just a head floating around and its scary. Last year Pete damn near choked on a mini sandwich cause he thought you were a ghost. 😀
Whats the fastest you have ever driven a vehicle?
CarrotsFavourite veggie? 😀
Not yeeeeeeeeet - soon!Do you have any tattoos?
So...'splain to me again why I wanna do damage control? 😈you ladies are really digging a hole for yourselves...if i were you, I would some damage control, or else ultimate pwnage is in your future
So...'splain to me again why I wanna do damage control? 😈
I understand and accept this LOLbecause if not, you will be wrecked...simple enough??
If I gave you a choice between apple cider and apple juice, would you pick apple cider?[
Can you draw?
Would you consider being Peach for Halloween if I dressed as Mario?
No. I am not a damsel in distress. I would be a fucking star that gave you insane power. I'd follow you around with a strobe light and sing the "dundundundddundudndudnddundnddun" song and watch you pwn everyone in sight.
We abso-fucking-lutely can!!!Holy fucking shit. CAN WE DO THIS????
Dude, wait, NO. Be that angry sun that does these cannonballs into people's faces. *WHAM* "HEY MAN I'M THE MUTHERFUCKIN SON."
We abso-fucking-lutely can!!!
No sun. I can be that angry cloud that throws spikey dinosaurs at people!!!
But I want us to be a TEAM. I don't want to try to kill you!!
LMAO DUDE!!! HAMMER BROTHERS!! ILY!!!Man, when you're right you're right. If you do the angry cloud dude, I'll dress as one of the spikey things. ORRRRRR we could each go as a hammer brother.
Do you ever dress as anything female for halloween?
Hm..I don't think so.Have you ever volunteered for a cause?
Hm..I don't think so.
LOL Gross!Do you think you would if the right cause came along? For example: The Save the Lima Beans Foundation?😛
LOL Gross!
I dunno - if I had time to kill I would, but as it is now, no.