That's one of the better answers to that question I've heard. 🙂
Why thank you
What's the best tickle you can remember?
Again, I can't say best - but one that really sticks out is a session I had with a guy who I met on the TMF who was not very experienced with anything besides playful tickling with vanillas. I wouldn't say I expected him to be bad, but I expected him to be...clumsy? WELL, it took me about 5 seconds of being in bondage to realize how incredibly wrong I was. Not only was he an awesome ler, but his banter and teasing was hilarious. I had ler'ed him first, so he took things that I had said to him and turned them around on me, but with his own little spin. It was so much fun.
He only ler'ed me for like an hour and a half - less than half the time of my longest session - and I was more exhausted than I can ever remember being after a session. After he untied me I rolled over and curled up on my bed, and he went to the bathroom. When he came out he laughed at me because I was still in the same exact position he left me in LOL It was awesome.
Oh, and he was super hot LOL That was definitely a plus.
What's the best day you can remember?
Again, I won't say it's the best, but it sticks out.
Background: I work with adults with severe mental illness - schizophrenia, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, major depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc. So much of their life is therapy and doctors and groups - then they come home and we're trying to teach them ADLs - they just don't get to have that much fun. When they're not working on their recovery, they're often lazy and uninterested in doing anything fun. They watch TV, smoke cigarettes...and that's kinda it. Few if any take initiative to enjoy life. So I kind of made it my project to start taking them out to cheap or free things on weekends. Those days have been the best I've had lately.
In August a coworker and I took six of them to a local zoo. We packed a picnic lunch, ate at a pavilion, saw lots of animals and took pictures. It was such a fun day for them. They were so excited to be out and see the animals - it was like taking a group of kids except you don't have to really be worried about them. They were so wide-eyed - like they were seeing it for the first time - and alot of them were! They had never been to a zoo before. It was awesome.
Another day we sat on the front porch and tie-dyed t-shirts. They were so excited to see how their designs came out. And on the following Monday, they all wore their new shirts to their day program to show them off. They were so proud.
There were more activities we did, but those two were my favorite, by far. Doing stuff that meant so much to them meant so much to me.
What's the best single moment you can remember?
This past November at Bella's, the whole thing was awesome, but I remember lying in the basement at one point with Pete on one side and Gin and my Wifey on the other, listening to Pete read this ridiculous and amazing self-help book we found (long story). I remember turning to Gin in the middle of everything and saying that I was so happy and everything felt so perfect in that moment that it was like...overwhelming and almost painful. If there was a word that meant more perfect than perfect - that's what my whole world felt like right then.