Well let me first say, that obviously the choice is yours 😀 And if you're just not into the group thing cause you prefer one on ones, more power to ya 😀 BUT, if you're not into the group thing cause you fear not fitting in, FORGET IT..there's no possible way you can be left out with this crowd. Even if you're the quietest, shyest, off in the the corner-est person there..people will reach out to you and make sure you have a good time. This is an amazing group so do NOT worry about that part of it 😀
My answer...5 or 6...I'm not exactly sure LOL But I actually prefer 1-2 lers. Having that many was sensory overload for me, and it wasn't neary as intense as having 1-2 lers was for me. Too many lers and I can't feel what's going on...it just doesn't tickle.