Here we go Elizabeth (Grinz) you told me to post this you called my bluff now I will tell you something.
I Don't Bluff
(Before we see some of her secrets lets see her qualities in her own words)
1.) I truly care about other people and I always want to help them.
2.) I'm painfully brutally honest -- when it counts. (i.e. did you like my disgusting ass meal I made you? -- Yes mother-in-law, it was delicious!)
3.) I have a good sense of humor and I love to make people laugh.
4.) I love to get to know people on a deeper level than fav. color -- fav. food -- fav. soda.
5.) I'm insanely protective of people I care about.
6.) I try to give everyone a chance and form my own opinions of them regardless of what others say.
7.) I'm tolerant and accepting of people different than I am in many ways.
8.) I'm easy to get along with.
9.) I'm modest (read: this post is fucking hard LOL)
10.) I'm affectionate!! I love smooches and cuddles and people playing with my hair and all that
11.) I love animals!! (puppies especially and stuffed monkies)
12.) I'm doing my best to secure my future for me and my family.
13.) I'm smart and a fast learner
(Her most Ticklish Spots)
My most ticklish spots vary with the technique -- the best way to get me laughing in under 20 bastard...are
using your teeth and mouth on my ears and neck - or - there's a spot on my sides, towards the back...kind of the
kidney-ish area LOL that is extremely ticklish -- and lastly...
where my legs connect with my butt -- off the charts
(Some of Her Likes)
foreign chocolate...scary movies...romantic comedies...
laughing so hard i can't breathe...comedians...smiley wars on yahoo....
ice cold water...cheese...shameless flirting.....
only losers like chocolate mint chip ice's vile
(she worries about revenge)
I'm not much of a ler...or a ler at all LOL But if I'm willing to try on ANYONE it's his big mouth's definitely gonna have to take place AFTER he lers me LOL
I'm NOT taking the heat for the damage you do to him LOL
(So She admits being a Puppy)
question to her: Is it true that you were a puppy in a former life?
Her answer: LOL Can't say for sure...but I have my suspicions
also when asked if she could be any animal what would it be her responce was and this is a quote,"A dog I love dogs - they're playful and snuggly - just like me ".
(Verbal Teasing)
Euphoricy knows how to verbally tease Lyz she stated she didn't think it would work but
admitted that
Euphoricy was a pro at it and made the tickling much worse. She also stated
that she would be scared of Gin tickling her the way she saw her as a ler with her verbal taunts
she is very down to earth though and can appreciate the smaller things in life. I found it amusing that she does not travel overnight anywhere without her stuffed monkey.
my "back of the neck" fetish WAS supposed to stay a secret..
my "sniffing the back of the knee" fetish
she sleeps naked
she mostly wears flip flops (makes for easy shoe removal)
For some strange reason the sonicare on that kidney area , on the feet and toes, back of the neck and lets not forget where the legs meet the butt.
She did leave out back of the knees and for her that is a bad spot as well.
oh lets not forget the reason verbal taunting is bad for her. She tries to block the tickling by mind control break that by talking to her she feels it more , furthermore saying things like tickle tickle tickle and coo che coo che coo pisses her off but at the same time breaks that mind control.
now this being a question thread I have one.
What was Euphoricy saying to you that made it worse. In the beginning you said you were honest and I found that to be true so answer the question.
ps there was one other secret I won't say here cause it had nothing to do with tickling and it took a lot of guts to put it in print.
I will post this again just before nest LMAO
huggs and huggs kisses on the cheek