Are you having a good week, Helena? 🙂
I'm having a busy week, Ninja leaf. How has your week been?
I've got to begin decorating my house for Christmas. How will you be spending your weekend?Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Are you having a good week, Helena? 🙂
I've got to begin decorating my house for Christmas. How will you be spending your weekend?Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Hi Vladdy!!! 😈Oh i dare...
Something? 😀
I love hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallows. How about you, my dear?Do you prefer chocolate milk in a carton, made with chocolate syrup, or cocoa?
I'm always ready for the weekend!!!!!Did you know that tklee88 loves Santa Clause?😀
Are you ready for the weekend?
Why would a cat wear a hat?why did Jimmy crack corn and no one cared??
I'm having a busy week, Ninja leaf. How has your week been?
The first thing I do when I get home is take a really long, hot shower!Ninja Helena! 😀 Mine was pretty busy too... very happy its Friday night indeed!
What is your favourite way to unwind after a long day?
We have some places up in Massachusetts that I enjoy.I love hot chocolate made just about any way (that word chocolate seems to be a unique bond with me, lol)
What are your favorite places to eat out?
You betcha! Although I paid the bills this morning. Bleck!Are you having a comfortable Saturday morning just lounging around in your jammies?
The first thing I do when I get home is take a really long, hot shower!
We have some places up in Massachusetts that I enjoy.
There's a place called the 99 Restaurant and Pub that's casual and fun.
We have a fantastic spot that makes great grinders and pizza! Top notch!
We have a Chinese food place that I LOVE!
How about you?
You betcha! Although I paid the bills this morning. Bleck!
I'm fine here, texas! How the heck are you, my friend?How the heck are you?
Do you like seafood?
No. Do you still have your pink bunny suit with the feet?Do you have sexy footie pajamas?
I think wake-up hair and tickle-hair are similar in some respects. But tickle hair is messier, sweaty, and takes longer to brush afterwards.Do you look like you have "tickle hair" when you get up of a morning? :
My hair looks stupid no matter what time of day it is.
Ninja Leaf!Have you ever been to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side?
What type of fabric softener does your maid use?
I will not be around later. Are you going to guess Milagros's puzzle?
I'm not sure I've ever asked you anything Helena,
How are you doin'?
I'm doing well. It's really cold outside though.
How are you? What's new and exciting?