Congratulations to your great-grandmother!I smoke about 2 a day, my family is been known for smoking my great grandmother is still alive and she smokes a pack a day at 101
Ah, I see. Very good bargain then.Yeah, there great because expensive cigars ( like 30 bucks s piece) need to be perfect to be sold, FJ are normal looking cigars but the tobacco leaves are slightly discolored ( does not affect the taste ) but ate sold cheap a ten pack costs 10 dollars
Glad to hear it. 😀I am well aware
That is good to know. You don't just do it out of habit; you enjoy it.I do everyday
Yes, it is very hard to get on her list of friends.In rl no, on tmf we are friends, I'm even on her friends list a hard thing to be on
Glad to hear it!Everybody else adored it