Wanna come over and watch some 80's movies while pigging out on all things bad for us? 😛
Have you ever done a keg stand? 😀
Wanna? 😀
Wanna do a keg stand?
Or help me do one? I'll take one for the team.
Oh and here is a keg stand:
You can do eeeeeeeeeeeeeet Nikki!!!
^ Well, you can still enjoy the beer 😀
How are you feeling today?
I heard something about your puppy...What has happend? :/
My dog died yesterday. She was 10 years old. It's been hard and very surreal. I miss her a lot. 🙁
Aww, my condonelces to you! 🙁
I know that is very tough to loose an animal, and I can only imagine how tough it must be with an animal you've known for such a long time. Hope you feel better soon.
Do you find these FB quizzes ridiculous or what?
Totally. Especially when you're called a bitch twice.
LOL! The bastards!
How was your day?
Do you know I did my first pumpkin ever today? 😀
I'm planning to put the result picture on fb, as soon as I get the pictures on the computer 🙂
Yep 😉
I've also lost my TMF blog virginity 😉
My day was good. How was yours? 😀
Despite our dealings with each other as of late, How do you really feel about me?
It was okay! 😀
Why the fixation with me and bathtubs?