I am Stoned Joe, The Brutal King destined to re-invent Poland!!! 😱
What is your super power? >:3
My sense of smell of course 😉
Have you ever been swimming with dolphins? 😀
Good lord, no!!! I hate the water 🙁
Are these guys driving you crazy yet? 😀
Yes! Save me?
if you saw Siren, would you do this? 😀
I must say, I am tempted.... 😀
If you saw Leafy would you do this? 😀
I am more than tempted, yes
^LOL! 😀
Have you ever received a singing telegram?
No... nobody likes me
Have you ever snorted an uncut pancake?
As a matter of fact, I have!
Snout, have you ever fallen asleep in front of your computer with your mic on so you friends could hear you murmering in your sleep?
Oh I do more than murmur... its humiliating 🙁
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
I don't lick, I snort
Have you ever gotten into a turf war with someone named Schnozz?
Lemme attem!!!
Lol, who is Snout? Er, who are you? 😛
I am Stoned Joe, The Brutal King destined to re-invent Poland!!!
Does yo chain hang low
Do it wobble to the flo
Does it shine in the light
Is it platinum, Is it gold
Could you throw it over ya shoulda
If ya hot, to make ya cold
Do your chain hang low?
Fo shizzle :cheezy:
How's it goin' eh? 😀
Well you lot are cheerin' me up, lol 😀
How lost am I?
You couldn't be nearly as lost as I am... help me find my way?