Are you overwhelmed with all the questions these lunatics have asked you?![]()
Did we scare you away Taryn? I hope not.🙂
Do you know that I'm starting to cramp after answering all of those questions for the last two hours?!![]()
Do you know that you as well as many others here put a smile on my face every day?
What is the first word that pops into your head when you hear the word, Christmas?
Has visiting Quirk-ville made you want to visit the zoo? 😀
Nope I've never wondered that, but I would probably feed them and take pictures!!Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Leafs and/or Tex were exhibits in a zoo?
Under what circumstances would you not enjoy be tickled?
Do you like PIE?![]()
If you were a tree, what kind would you be?
If you could only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?![]()
Have you ever tapped a tree for Maple Syrup? 😀
If I say "surprise!" what's the first picture that pops into your head? 😀
Do you think peanut butter could fix the hole in the ozone layer??
Do you own a tie dyed t-shirt? 😀
Ever put an entire packet of pop rocks in your mouth??![]()
What was your favourite toy as a little girl?
YOU!!!Which of your fellow TMF'ers would you shoot first in a paintball free-for-all?
Do you think wearing camouflage can be sexy? 😀
How many banana's can you peel per minute?![]()
Have you inspected your smoke detectors lately?
Do you laugh when a high fiver is "left hanging"?![]()
Have you ever run out of questions to ask?![]()
Yes but no I'm not trying itCan you crack an egg open with one hand? (Please try, please!lol)
Have you ever made a pancake like Uncle Buck?![]()
Where is your favourite place to "get away" from it all?
Have you ever been "off roading"?![]()
Would you fall for the "Shoe's glued to the Floor" prank Deadly laid for you? 😀
Do you like rollercoasters? 😀
Is a redhead just a blonde who's brain got rusty? 😛![]()
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
What's cooler: playing the triangle, the tambourine, or the maracas?
Are your Spidey senses tingling?![]()
If doorknobs were made of candy, would you forget about germs and go right ahead and lick one?
How many birds do you suppose an aviary could hold before they just flew off with it?
FuckWhat is your favorite word?
Do you ever stop and seriously wonder why old women still throw their underwear at Tom Jones? Lol
Which would you choose: Always say what's on your mind, or never speak again?
Can you hoolahoop and drink a glass of water at the same time?
Good Morning Taryn. The Red Wings are Playing Leafs team from Toronto tonight. We bet each other that we had to write an ode to the winning team if Our team should loose. IS is a safe bet that the Wings will destroy the Leafs?
when you get dressed which shoe do you put on first? (guess-right one)
^^Lolol!! We shall see Tom, we shall see!
Are you having a good weekend? 🙂
Hello Little Taryn. Hope you are having a good weekend. Did you see the thread bomb yo got from DeadLeaf? They got me too. Revenge was sweet.
Are you plotting your revenge at this very moment? 😀 Did you also know that Tom is writing that ode to the Maple Leafs as we speak?![]()
Do you know that I'm catching up to you on post counts!!I think I'm gunna beat you to our yellow feathers!! 😛
If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? 😈
What brand of Gas do you use in your vehicle/s?
Have you seen the thread destruction Deadly and I were put thru by Tom and Aimee? 😀![]()
Revenge was weet there Leaf!😀
Hey there girl. Where have you been? How is that sweet girl we have come to know and love doing? (Yes I mean You)😉
Going on from vlad's question....a few pages back 🙂p). If you randomly saw a TMF'er out in public and you were 100% sure it was them, would you run up behind them and give them a tickle?![]()
Taryn, if you had the opportunity to appear in any reality tv show, lol... which one would it be and why? 😀
Have you ever wrapped a sausage in pasta and eaten it? 😀
I used to but I lost themDo you own a pair of rollerblades? 😀
Yep, did the commando crawl when I was hungoverHave you ever commando crawled to a spot in your house coz you were to lazy to satnd up and walk? 😀
Have you ever been involved in a drunken game of Twister?😀
Are you an emotional drunk, touchy-feely drunk, dare devil drunk or sloppy drunk?![]()
Does Crown Royal really warm your heart?😀
Does your heart rate increase dramatically when you log on to check your question thread every morning?? 😛
Are you going to Pokey's munch in December? 😀
How do you handle being so hot?
Who's more geniuser? :
The Brain
~ or ~
When you are blindfolded and tickled, doesn't that drive you crazy? 😀 (I know it does me, lol)
How many skittles can you fit in your mouth at once?
Have you ever had a triple scoop or greater ice cream cone? 😀
Have you ever dropped your ice cream just after purchase and cried?![]()
What's the best tune for cruising in your car? 😀
Favorite boys name?
Girls name? 😀
If you were forced to sing something for Karaoke, what song would it be? 😀
Are you coming to my Bon Fire party next year?![]()
Do you think the Australian National Anthem is lame?
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Are you overwhelmed with all the questions these lunatics have asked you?![]()
How many words a minute can you type and I hope it is a lot, lolol.![]()
Did we scare you away Taryn? I hope not.🙂
I somehow don't believe that a question or two will scare away our pal. She is made up of some tuff! But we shall see I guess.
Taryn, what did you have for supper?
Agreed, Pokey 😀
Do you have any Crown Royal left? Can I have some?![]()
Do you like surprises?
Well done so far, Taryn!!![]()
How ya been? 🙂
Why do deadly and leaf think i'm scared of being thread bombed? They are far to busy bombing YOU! 😀 Hope you're having a good day/week. 🙂
Did you remember to get your gutters cleaned out for the winter?
have you ever made snow angels??
Do you like to wear bright colors of nail polish?![]()
If you eat potatoes how do you like them?
Hey Taryn. You asked how the game went between the Wings and the Leafs? The Leafs smoked The Wings 5-1 and as per my bet with Leasy, I wrote an ode to the Leafs. It was painful. I posted it in our Qurik-Ville Thread. I may be calling into Robs sports show tonight and reciting it on the air. I am humiliated.🙂 How are you?