When you start your east coast tickle tour, will Boston be on your list?
When you hit your toe on something do you immediatley think "Omg my TMF career is over!?!?!" Or do you think "Shit, that hurts, that god damn hurts!!!" like the rest of us?![]()
If I took you to a Karaoke place would you sing for a drink?
To steal a question you asked deadly... Would you sniff smelly socks for $100.
Do you have an extra shot of Crown Royal for me?I just got bombed again and I think I need it!
^ SOFT!!!!!!
Taryn, on a scale from 1-10 how amusing do you find this.........
It's been less than 24 hours since I asked you the toe stubbing question and guess what happens in the bathroom tonight!. I full on crunched my toe into a cabinet and ended up on the floor laughing my head off at the irony of it all. It freekin hurt!
See, they are both SOFT. Aren't they?
Did you grow up in Michigan? 🙂
^ SOFT!!!!!!![]()
Taryn, im in Boston. thats reason enough to come here. if you come here on your tickle tour, will you let me take you to burger king to eat?
See what I have to put up with?
Speaking of soft, do you prefer soft subtle tickles or firmer tickles? 😀
Haha, I don't think I can agree with you Vlad... I don't want another thread bomb to come my way!
See, they are both SOFT. Aren't they?
See what I have to put up with?![]()
Do you enjoy being tickled softly as a form of relaxation?
How many times a day do you spin around like a kid in your office chair at work? BE HONEST!!!![]()
^It's fun, isn't it?
What do you find is the most effective tickling tool, besides fingers? 😀
You play the lottery?
Would you confess your love for me on the TMF, or just in private?
If you only had one wish, what would you wish for? 😀
What are your plans for Valentine's Day?![]()
Can you please remind me to never stay up this late again?![]()
Why is the rabbit chasing the smiley?xD
I would like for you to look at my newest thread in the General Section titled: "The Day The Music Died". Then, how many of these people have you heard of?