Ever had someone eat M&Ms (or skittles in case deadly reads this) from between your toes?
No neither, but I have always wanted someone to!

HI TARYN. What are you up to this afternoon?
Oh man, well, I totally missed this one, but THIS afternoon I am just sitting at work, taking a much needed break!
Was it your plan all along to steal my summer and replace it with your crappy winter!?! Why'd you do that?
Why do socks always disappear in the dryer and what happens to them?
Oh my goodness I have no idea, but I wish I had the answer because I can never find socks that match!!!
If you could do anything what would be your line of work?
Hmmm I am not really sure, I am going to have to think on this one. But definitely something that helps people.
^I would like to hear your answer to this age old question.^
Are you working this weekend, or are you going to party?
I never really party, unfortunately lol. I had a modeling shoot Saturday and family over Sunday. Cleaned house. Did sit down Sunday evening and have a glass of Crown Royal and caught the tail end of the Oscars which was nice.
Have you seen the movie, "Land Of The Lost?"
When you eat grapes do you instictivley throw them up in the air and then catch them with your mouth? 😀
Nope, I am more un-coordinated than I can even explain
Not particularly
Do you like smoothies? 🙂 (as in the beverage)
mmmm yes they are awesome!
How many warheads can you handle in your mouth at one time, without spitting them out? 😀
Lol probably two.

I forgot those things even existed!!
Yup!! Haven't had them in a long time though
Do you watch tv in the dark, or with the light on?
Depends on what time of day it is tee heee
When was the last time you ate macadamia nuts?
Have you ever had macadamia nut ice cream?
Ummm never and no because I don't eat any kind of nuts lol
Can you explain why I have a cold and its not even winter yet?
What's your best score in Wii Golf?
Oh no!! Having a cold is no fun I hope you feel better soon! Hmm all I know is my best shot ever at Wii Golf was 1 ft from the hole.