Such harsh language... Not good, Sweed. Not good at all... 😛
Hey, but I back my words up with ACTIONS, so you'd better watch out with what you say! 😉
Ooooh, so it's THAT Joseph? Bible-Joseph? xD Then I know who it is! 😀 Still not sure where the "amazing technicolor dreamcoat" comes in though...
But yeah, I'd love to see it! 🙂 Do you have it? Otherwise we could rent it the next time we meet. ^^
Lol xD You can take that.

Yep, it's THAT Joseph. 😉 xD With the 11 brothers. 😛 Haha, you'll see when the coat comes in if we watch the movie. 😉
Yaay, nice! 😀 I don't have it, but we can probably rent it. 🙂 Or who knows, I might have bought it as a graduation present to myself or something before that, just because it's so EPIC!

How has your day been today? 🙂