Whatever 😛
True, but the ones you used you needed kinda badly. 😉
Oh and I'm not gonna say! 😀![]()
Nah, sometimes 😛
Why not? 🙁 xD
Whatever 😛
True, but the ones you used you needed kinda badly. 😉
Oh and I'm not gonna say! 😀![]()
Nah, sometimes 😛
Why not? 🙁 xD
Because I'm evil. 😈 And the idea is really evil too! 😎 😀
Sure you're not overestimating the evilness of the idea? 😉
Pretty sure I'm not, actually! 😀
Then what is the evil plan about? 😛 You can pm me if you don't want to tell here? 😀
I dunno... Why should I tell you and let you prepare yourself mentally, huh? 😉 That doesn't sound like a very good idea to me!![]()
But if you don't tell me I won't know what the new idea is, and then maybe I'll not notice the evilness of it once you test it? 😉
Oh trust me, you'll notice it...😀
Can't you at least give me a clue?![]()
Nope, no clues! 😀 You shall just have to be curious...![]()
Well... what do I get out of telling you? 😛
Baaah! 🙁 I've been home for ONE day, and you already want more tribute threads?Not okay Carso, not okay! 😉
Well maybe if you PM me sometime and ask reaaaaaal' nicely, but for now I think I'll let you sleep on it.![]()
Okay, I'll just figure out the best way to write it.
But I'll tell you one thing:X'P
You do that 😛
Hahaha, and I take that as proof of a job well done! 😀
Are you trying to kill me?![]()
Hehehe! 😀
No, just calling it like I see it. 😉
Talking sh*t about Andrew Lloyd Webber, Joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat AND Eurovision song contest within an hour...
You really ARE trying to kill me! 🙁xD
Nah, not really, but it DOES seem to annoy you so it will have to do while you are too far away to pwn in... other ways...![]()
Bah! 🙁
You did it while I was close enough to pwn in other ways to. xD
Don't you remember when you, straight after an aftercare, said you hated Grease, Dirty Dancing and Mamma Mia and like completely shocked me?![]()
Bwahaha! 😀 Oh right, I remember that now! Hillarious.😛
Not nice!
I had just calmed down after the tickling, and then you said that so I had to calm down again before going to bed.And you didn't even do it on purpose!