Apologies for missing the game tonight!! Will you ever forgive me?
So sorry to hear about your cat, man. I know how hard that is to do. Thinking of ya
Well you got there in time for the IMPORTANT game
😉 And since you can't be blamed for the outcome, I suppose I shall forgive you!
And thanks.
🙂 Luckily our two remaining cats look as healthy as ever. The one that died has always had a lot of illnesses though, so I suppose we should be thankful that he lived for as long as he did. But 12 years still feels like far from enough, I was hoping he'd at least hit 15, since 20 was way too unrealistic considering his health.
But crap, I remember when we got him. My old cat had died about a year before, and I was so happy that I wouldn't have to deal with that again for a loooooong time. Yet here I am, and it feels like we got him only yesterday. Heh. :-/
I'm done whining now, though. Don't worry!
You should totally go to Amsterdam and have Artoo come too this summer, we'd have a blast.
What kind of music do you listen to?
lol, well I'm not sure if I'll make it THIS summer, but this drinking buddy of mine (who knows about the TMF) will probably want to go on a road-trip through Europe at some point. When we do that, Amsterdam will be an obligatory destination - at which point I'd let you know!
😀 But yeah, Artoo should come too. Our badassery would know no limits!
I listen to whatever sounds good. XD I'm actually not that big on music, but there's the occasional song I like. For example, you can't go on an epic drunken quest in your car (with a sober driver of course. Don't want to get killed since we're usually pretty fucking trashed
😛) without playing sum Scatman!
I know nothing happened last night is=n the Oympics with Sweden, but how are you today my friend.
The Olympics are the least of my problems right now, lol, but thanks for asking.
Got a bunch of extra school work assigned. I went from thinking I'd have a quiet weekend to catch up with recent events, to having a HUGE work-load on my back today.
🙁 I will be busy as hell for the following couple of days, but at least I get to escape reality for a bit when I visit Sweed next Tuesday.
🙂 Quite frankly that's the one bright spot I'm focusing on right now; there's way too much crap going on aside from that. <_<