Do the Vorpal Bunnies like to tickle people? no we are good widdle bunnies
Are the Vorpal Bunnies ticklish? no one ever been able to catch us to try
Do the Vorpal bunnies know the meaning of life (and do they wish to share their knowledge with me?) Yes The meaning of life is 42
How old are the Vorpal Bunnies? We are approximately 10,000 years old
Precisely how many vorpal bunnies are there? On earth currently there are 12,000,563,230
What is the Vorpal bunnies favourite music? Hip Hop
When you answer these questions, are you answering for all Vorpal Bunnies? The answers are generally a consensus of all the bunnies thoughts.
If yes, do the vorpal bunnies get bored since they are all essentially the same? nope we are all different
If yes, are the Vorpal bunnies like the Borg? nope
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