A fish tank is hard to clean and not really much fun, so you didn't miss much. 😀Nope, it was just dogs. I wanted fish, but that never transpired.
Ever throw a boomerang?
A fish tank is hard to clean and not really much fun, so you didn't miss much. 😀
Will you drive all the way to Ohio?
Ever see the Sci Fi movie "The Last Wave?" Its a Sci Fi based on Aboriginal culture.
Still in Virginia. Leaving for Ohio tomorrow!
It is a very good movie 🙂
Ever seen the Sci Fi movie called "Pi"? An excellent movie done by an independent producer on a very small budget.
What's your favorite planet and WHY?
^Stay away from Cleveland.^
You have friends or relatives in Janesville?
Was it Steve tickling you? 😀Hmm, I didn't have a timer going, but I'd venture a guess of about 30-35 minutes, with only momentary breaks.
Was it Steve tickling you? 😀
No. I've never dated a Steve.
In that case, what is the meaning of "On the moon ... With Steve!"?No. I've never dated a Steve.
Do you post here from a laptop?
Ah Eddie Izzard- he supports the same team as I do..
Have you seen his death star canteen?
In that case, what is the meaning of "On the moon ... With Steve!"?
Whats your favorite birdie?
I like humming birds and parrots myself. 🙂
Ever dress up as Little Miss Tuffet and eat Jello instead of curds and whey? 😛