It was really fun I can say that much. I started in 6th grade band and loved it. The band was awesome and we had so much fun. Sadly I had to move at the end of that year so I didn't get to see those people again. The band in my new school treated me like crap for some reason and that ruined the experience for me. My teacher said it was because I was different and they just weren't used to me. The different part I understood but that didn't excuse them from being rude and snotty all the time. I wound up quitting because of them and seldom played after that. I still know how to though.
Well I'm glad you got to experience love, even if it ended in heartbreak. I wouldn't wish heartbreak on my worst enemy, it's just too painful. I've never had a girlfriend in all my 23 years. Closest thing I had was a friend who said she was my girlfriend after me asking many many many times. It was great at first but then I realized I was doing everything. It was like I was dating a tree, she didn't react at all. Then she 'left' me at the end of the month, saying she loved me like a brother and not a lover; it killed me. So yeah, heartbreak sucks.
Are your feet ticklish?
I'm so sorry, friend 🙁
There's good and there's bad things. At least we're both still young so we know we've got plenty of time 🙂 I'm still figuring out what I want, who I want...all of that. I'm glad I've got time for it 😀
Are my feet ticklish? Yes