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BAD Story Redux,... Julia,.. Part 1


4th Level Red Feather
Aug 19, 2005
To the folks who have offered the nice comments and encouragements over the True Story episodes I've written,... Mitch, Jay, MrP, Sole,.. and the rest,.. I gotta tell you,...... It ain't all that easy to "keep 'em coming," ...'cause I've about written them all. The stories about Linda and Dory and Peggy and Susan have all been a lot of fun to recount,... good times, eh? .... but alas, that well is about dry.

That's the main reason I started the thread about "BAD Stories," ... the situations that simply went altogether wrong,..... I wanted to write something for you guys,....... and actual experience has always been my main stock-in-trade. (I'm gonna try some fiction soon,.... umm,... we'll see.) And there are plenty of BAD stories yet to be told, I guess,..though probably very few of them resulted in any substantial or gratifying tickling.

And then there are some situations which defy catagorization,.... and the story I'm about to tell may be one of them. A little creepy,... a little humorous,... a few unusual elements, to say the least. BAD Story? Fun Story? You make the call,.... I was telling Isabeau about it the other day, and she said I should go ahead and share it with the group. Whew,.... Okay,.... here goes.

I got invited to a little real estate banquet down on The Bay. You know how they are,.... private back room of a prominent local restaurant,.... big table,.. eat a lot of shrimp and get drunk. Maybe thirty people were there. Very little official business got transacted, but a good time was had by all, eh? I was sitting all the way at the end of one long side of the table,.. some blonde named Sophia had the very end of the table,... and directly across from me sat a brunette whom I engaged in conversation. Her name turned out to be Julia, and she was wide open. Earthy.... even crude at times. But hell,.. we'd been drinking for two hours. It was a party.

At some point as I was talking with Julia, she got the strangest look on her face,.. very perplexed,... and she peered down into her lap. Looking back up at me, and with a quick side glance at Sophia, she loudly announced, "Sophia has just put her feet in my lap." Julia lifted the tablecloth and double-checked the status of things in her lap. "Her BARE feet!"

Ok, I couldn't resist. I leaned over and peeked under the table,... Sure enough, Sophia had kicked off her heels and placed her bare feet in Julia's lap. Somewhat unwillingly, I sat back upright,.... Sophia was giggling uproariously,... Julia was feigning outrage while tickling Sophia's soles a little,.... (like I said,... a good time was had by all) "Well damn," I said,.. "I can't believe she picked you over me."

Now,... you would think that this little event was going to turn out to be the focus somehow of this story. But it is not. It was just the beginning. Sophia's little feet-in-the-lap trick was short-lived,..... but Julia ended up coming back to my place. On the drive,... and in some way, shape or form,.. I told her I'd found Sophia's little trick to be very sexy,..... because I had a thing for ladies' feet,.... y'know,... a foot fetish? "Ohhhhhhhh," Julia replied,.. She was smashed, by the way. But at any rate, the general subject of offbeat behavior had been broached......

Once in my house, things happened pretty quickly. Julia grabbed me in a bear-hug and very matter-of-factly asked me if I had anything I could use to tie her up. Okay,.... this was what I was hoping to hear, right? O boy,... sex, ropes, feet, tickling,...... general carnal stuff all the way around. "Tie me up and do anything you want with me," Julia elaborated as I was searching out some 5/8" braided line. "Spank me,.. beat me,.. whip me,..... anything."

I naturally paused. "Uhh,..... I was just going to tickle you," I said. Julia got that perplexed look again and said, "Well,.... I guess you could try. I'm not very ticklish."

Without putting too fine a point on it, here's what happened. I told Julia that the things she was talking about were a little heavy-duty for me,.... that I was just a meager foot fetishist who liked to tickle, etc,... I tied her up (that was her numero uno),.. but ticklish? Nope. Not a bit. She was intrigued with other foot-play however, and we had a pretty good time in the bedroom. Just no tickling. All-in-all, I was feeling fairly good about things as we decided (a little while later) to make another round of drinks and check out the late movies.

Julia was actually a little apologetic about hitting me with the serious BDSM stuff, though she complimented me on my knot-tying (hey, I'm a sailor) "I just love to be tied," she said simply. "Bobby can take care of the other things when he gets back."

"Bobby?" I asked,... already sensing that extreme panic was just around the corner. "Who's Bobby?" Boyfriend,.. husband,... I knew that was what I was going to hear. Julia said "husband," and I took a deep breath. "Heh heh ,.... you didn't mention that you were MARRIED," I joshed. "So where is Bobby?"

"He works at Quantico during the week,.... he's only home on weekends." I pondered this information very rapidly.

"Quantico? But there's nothing at Quantico but,.... a US Marine Corps base." I suddenly felt like I was in a Stephen King novel.

"Yeah, Bobby's a sergeant in the Marines," Julia said,.. "He had two tours in 'Nam,.... nows he just trains other guys," I was having respiratory difficulties,...

"You mean,........ I've just had sex with the wife of a Marine sergeant,.. a guy who kills people for a living?" Julia had a lusty chuckle at that.

"Yeah,... but it's Ok,... he'll never know. I'm not going to tell him. He'd probably kill both of us." Oh,...... well,... to think I was worried.

I sat there contemplating the sheer horror of this news for a minute or two. Julia seemed genuinely amused at my state of shock. My next move was to put on a pot of coffee and ask Julia if she would be Ok to drive, because she had to get the hell out of there. Turned out that she and Bobby lived less than a mile away. Just gets better and better, eh?

While we were having coffee, she went to great lengths to get me to calm down and not take it so seriously,..... again reassuring me that SHE would never breathe a word about our little get-together,... and thanks-by-the-way for tying her up,... she loved it,..... the foot thing was cute,... sorry she wasn't ticklish,.. etc, etc,.. etc. And I DID calm down a little,..... Julia eventually headed out for home,..... but that was not the end of the story.

------ I'll append Part 2 to this same thread.
Yeah,... but it's Ok,... he'll never know. I'm not going to tell him. He'd probably kill both of us." Oh,...... well,... to think I was worried.

lol love how you insert humour into your stories...yea i remember you telling me this..and to think she said tie me up and do whatever you wish..wowowow...great story as always...i love how descriptive you can get...almost like being there oneself...
I wonder if he would have killed both of you. 😱
Very nice story, though. 😀
Even though she wasn't ticklish and married to someone who works in a profession that is known for its nutters - you have still been blessed with the ability to meet THE BEST women, Piedpiper. I'd take her over a girl I was with (really briefly) at college who said the schlong shrinking words, 'I hate anyone touching my feet'. Hence the brevity of he relationship!
Julia, Part 2,.... Conclusion

Watching Julia back out of my driveway and start down the road, I felt a little better. Husband Bobby only home from Quantico on weekends, eh? For good measure, I spent the weekend on my boat. For even better measure, I sailed it a few miles up the coast and anchored in a little uninhabited cove. Caught some fish,... chilled for a couple of days,... and that was that. I figured there was every reason to believe that I had probably disappointed Julia as much as she had scared me. End of story.

Except that it wasn't. A few days later as I was watching the late night talk shows, there was a knock on my door. It was after midnight,.... this was very unusual. So, pistol in hand, I checked the door. It was Julia. Jeez.

Julia was pretty plastered,..... When I opened the door, she stumbled in with the scant remnant of a bottle of whiskey in her hand. I was horrified,... she put her arms around my neck and whispered, "Tie me up."

Tough spot when you consider the options. Handled the wrong way, it could create a late night God-knows-what-kind of scene in the neighborhood,... there was always good ol' Bobby to think about,... and Julia was thoroughly drunk. I ushered her into the living room. We sat and talked.

Again, Julia was very apologetic,.... she knew this was a little out of line,... but she was just "hooked" on bondage. "Tie me up for ten minutes," she said, "I just need it right now,.... please." I knew it probably wasn't the smartest thing I could do,... but I agreed. Julia and I sat on the sofa,... she extended her hands and I halfheartedly wound some line around her wrists,.. noting with acute interest the calm that settled over her as the rope went on. When her hands were tied, she threw her feet across my lap. Julia was wearing nylons, but had apparently left her shoes in her car. I tied her ankles as well,.. and we sat there that way for a few minutes,.... Julia slumped against my shoulder as we talked some more,..... I was telling her that this couldn't happen again,...my thing was feet & tickling, etc,.... and I realized she had gone to sleep leaning on my shoulder. I carefully untied her. Made coffee again,... and let her sleep for a little while longer. (Okay, I sat with her feet in my lap and idly played with her toes Her nylons were grass-stained from my lawn.) I was no less worried than before,.. but I felt I was at least getting a better picture of the problem.

When Julia left,.. sometime between two and three a.m., she was still a little out of it,.. but she turned and kissed me ferociously at the door and thanked me for indulging her,.... again reassuring me not to worry about Bobby,.. We commiserated about how tough it was wanting to do "unconventional" erotic stuff in a tiny village-sized community. I really had a pretty good feeling about our little exchange.

But what the hell do I know?

Julia paid me another visit the following week. It wasn't in the middle of the night; it was just after dinner,.... she was still in her smartly-dressed real estate agent mode,... straight as an arrow,... and she had a young woman with her. A fresh-scrubbed, freckle-faced, curly-haired farmgirl type,.... wholesome as they get. "Annie" was Julia's 24-yr-old cousin. I invited them in. Since Julia wasn't already trashed, I offered her a glass of wine,... she accepted, and Annie said she would have a beer.

I got the drinks from the kitchen. What happened next was one of the most singularly peculiar episodes I've experienced,..... and that's saying something.

Annie sat with an angelic and slightly silly grin,... watching whatever it was I had on the TV. Julia motioned for me to join her out on the front porch. Okay. Uneasiness was starting to take hold, but I have to admit to a normal amount of curiosity, too.

Again, not to put too fine a point on the actual conversation, here is what Julia told me. She and cousin Annie had recently engaged in some late night "girl-talk." This never bodes well for us guys, eh? I sincerely think that I fear girl-talk more than I fear the Russian nuclear arsenal.

Julia had inexplicably told Annie about her own darker desires,... particularly extolling the erotic wonderment of bondage. Annie had shown some sort of emerging interest. Bottom line: Julia had brought Annie here to experience her first time being tied up. "She asked me to just tie her up the other night when we were talking," Julia explained, "..but I told her it really had to be a man doing the tying." My ability to mount a sense of disbelief where Julia was concerned had been pretty much disabled over the past few weeks,.... for some reason, I didn't bat an eye at any of this. But I was reluctant. "Come on, M.,..." Julia cajoled,...." Better you, than some creep." Julia put her arm around me and smiled,... "And Annie's feet are really ticklish. I tickled her the other night."

Y'know, I've always wondered about that old expression, "Ugly as sin." The fact of it is that a lot of sin is pretty damned attractive. Radioactive as Julia was, she was asking me to go back in the house, tie up her cute cousin and tickle her feet. Well,.... what do you think I was going to do?

Julia and I went back into my living room,... Annie looked up expectantly, big smile,... and I just blurted out, "So you want to find out what it's like to be tied up, huh?" Annie beamed radiantly and nodded enthusiastically. Julia had already headed for my bedroom to collect the braided line. Annie said something like, "It looks so cool in the movies,.... and Julia says I will really love it." Okay. Julia returned with the line.

Annie was sitting in a straight-backed wooden chair,..... it had armrests,... so that was where she got tied. Convenient and low-tech. I hadn't even finished tying Annie's wrists and arms to the chair's armrests before Julia had to jump in and "assist." Then I knelt and tied Annie's ankles,... Julia again assisting by popping off Annie's docksiders and getting in the first official tickle. Annie squealed,... We tickled her feet for a minute and then Julia wanted to go to the kitchen for another glass of wine....We left Annie sitting there.

In the kitchen, Julia wrapped herself around me and started slow-dancing toward my bedroom door. "Now you can have TWO women tied up in your house," she said enticingly,.....

"But what about Annie?"

"Screw Annie,...... she's happy,.... let her just sit for a few minutes and get into it." Julia continued to drag me towards the bedroom.

"Oh no," I said,... "Oh no,...." and I disengaged from Julia's grasp. "We ain't doing this. I can't do this. I told you before." To her credit, Julia said Ok,...... it had been fun,.... We got drinks and walked back into the living room to see about Annie.

The young cousin was just sitting tied to the chair and watching television. I asked how she was doing and she said something really cool. She said that there was no point in being tied up unless we were in there tickling her feet and goofing around with her. She understood. That much, at least, was gratifying. Annie was off to a good start. Julia and I tickled her for another couple of minutes, and then we untied her. Annie said it would be a lot better with her boyfriend, but she'd rather be teased than tickled. ("So would I," Julia whispered in my ear.)

What a pair,..... Annie actually thanked me for her "first bondage experience," .... she and Julia drove off into the twilight of the evening,... and although I can't exactly recall, I'm pretty positive that I poured myself a big scotch,... And that was the end of the Julia encounters. We would occasionally see each other in the grocery store, etc,.... I even met Bobby later on. My lasting recollection about the experience is the complaint about the closeness of the small-town mindset, familiarity, etc. That was really a shame in Julia's case.
wow...how lucky can a guy get? damn...and do you really own a pistol??? thanks for finishing this...you are so good at inserting humour..
Thanks, Isabeau,..... but "lucky?"

wow...how lucky can a guy get? damn...and do you really own a pistol??? thanks for finishing this...you are so good at inserting humour..
Of the stories I've related, I thought this one was rather dark. Julia was scary to me for more reasons than just the murderous husband angle. Lucky? I wouldn't put it quite that way.

As for humor,.... what's the old saying? We laugh so that we won't cry? I try to look at nearly everything in the humorous or ironic vein,.... So much of life is awkward or tragic or inexplicable,..... humor lets us off the hook. Humor makes life liveable.

And yes, I support the 2nd Amendment. I'm hardly a gun-nut,...but I have a pistol, a shotgun and a rifle. I like to eat, and I don't like nazis.
Ah, the tangled webs some peoples' lives lead.

This was just like a good independent film, one just could not know where it was going- I love it!

And I got your back on the 2nd Ammendment 😉

Great tale. Guess I missed it when it first posted. Thanks for the bump.

Reads like real life to me, but then all of your experiences do. I love to read your posts, PP. These episodes are very interesting, and the stories remarkably well written.

Glad you survived Julia, and that Bobby never found out about you.
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