Much like Mitchell, I usually get to see the bare soles females in the spring and summer.
I remember I was at a movie in late May(Bruce Almighty) and this
mid-30's lady had her feet in between the arm rests of where I planned to sit. She removed her foot as I sat down, but I said "you can leave it there, it doesn't bother me" So she left her feet actually there, on propped on the other.
I was a bit early so the slide show before the preview was still running, and occationally she would flex her toes and such, nice little feet.
Anyway, during one of her flexes she grazed my upper arm and I looked back and she had this funny little smile on her face.
I turned around to face the screen and moment later her foot grazed me again, I simply grazed my finger down her bottom sole and both of her feet spasmed and flexed. She withdrew her feet and leaned forward and whispered in my ear..."careful I am really ticklish" with a big grin on her face.
So basically throughout the previews and movie, during really funny parts I would tickle her soles pretty good and since she was right behind me I could hear that "tickle Laugh" above all the other laughter.
During other times I would simply just run a finger down the sole.
I always tickled the lower sole since the upper sole provided a trap for the bottom one.
After the movie was over, she said "that is the most fun I have had at a movie in a long time".
Of course we both had wedding rings on our fingers so nothing went any farther but the night was enjoyable 😀