Discovered this two or three years ago. The artist is a Nubian, apparently, hence the album title Walk Like a Nubian. Just makes me wanna bounce around like a loony, too be honest lol. From 1991.
Gonna give Brand New Start by Paul Weller a mention. Not one of his best-known tunes, but I really like it. A simple, quiet song. And, as we're at the beginning of a new year, the sentiment seems quite apt! It was released as a single in 1998.
Oh, why not? She stated she was half Canuck because she spent half of her life in Canada and her 3 children were born here in northern Ontario. RIP Delores O'Riordan
Used to love C&C. When I DJed weddings and parties in the 90's, Gonna make you Sweat was one of those songs that would guarantee to get people on the dance floor. I wonder whatever happened to them?