The artist formerly known as Gigglet, the new queen of radio with her partner in crime; touch her weed stash and your death-knell will chime ... FannieSmall!
Wisdom teeth yanked out, all four at once, the poor fellow. Go in the chat and offer him sympathy and more drugs ... RodentOthello!
Truck he drives rumbles down the highway, scaring old ladies off the road. Especially when he had that accident and tumbled sextoys and latex onto the road ... General'sRod!
New in the chatroom, speak his own language quite fluidly and claims otherworldly powers. One has to wonder if he uses this to claim overtime hours ... Ricin!
The recently Enmodded computer fellow, who has a secret fascination with jello, spent a great deal of time moving the servers Divine which made the whiners of the board quite mellow.... HisOblongShedrow!
The artist formerly known as Gigglet, the new queen of radio with her partner in crime; touch her weed stash and your death-knell will chime ... FannieSmall!
Has more posts than anyone, responds to new images blazingly fast; one has to wonder when he has time for a quick repast ... MilliGram!
Short and brunette, and claims to hail from Sweden; Her giant pink hairbow sometimes slips down, interfering with her readin ... RunningNose!
Short and brunette, and claims to hail from Sweden; Her giant pink hairbow sometimes slips down, interfering with her readin ... RunningNose!
Oh my.LiverClean!
Off at Nest, traveling hither and yon; her outfit spreadsheet no doubt many others will comment upon ... TightThighs!
YES! Sigging this brilliance!A Texan gamer, who ever heard of such a thing, if you harass in the chatroom with a sledge he will swing ... SexPress!