What are your favorite pizza toppings?
MEAT! Bring em on! Pepperoni is my favorite of all. Different combinations bring different tastes to the pallet though. Pepperoni, ham, and Italian sausage is a great combination which Pizza Hut has on their menu as a "3 Meat Italian". Also try a Cheeselover's Pizza and add beef and bacon (not Canadian Bacon). This basically forms what PH used to have on their menu as the double cheeseburger pizza. It's awesome. I used to run (and almost bought) a pizza restaurant and enjoyed the work. We used to try out all kinds of crazy shit.
Why did Jimmy crack corn and no one cared??? and part 2 is how do you crack corn??
Actually he didn't. That's the nice friendly version of the song for kids to sing today of the song from the 1840's, "Blue Tail Fly". Depending on your version of "cracking corn", he did it for one of a few reasons. It was a black minstrel song, from the time of slavery and it's been debated what was meant by the chorus, for the last hundred years. The song depicts a slave following his master with a broom to swat horse flies (anyone from the south will tell you what a painful bitch these things are) from his horse. On the particular day of the song, the riding area was swarming with them and he merely didn't swat them and one bit the horse, it bucked the owner into a ditch, killing him instantly. The slave is absolved of any crime as a tribunal blamed the death on the Blue Tail fly.
Cracked corn is the old southern term for corn whiskey. So it could mean, the slave is ambivalent to the owners death, feeling a slight sorrow, but still jubilant over his passing and is saying, just pass the whiskey in celebration/remembrance. Cracking corn is also an old expression of sitting around bullshitting or gossiping. So maybe it meant the slaves sat around talking of the death and he didn't care. Another option from way back was, that the phrase referred to a punishment whereby a slave's food rations were cut down to only cracked corn and water and nothing else. So if this is the reference, the phrase "Gimme cracked corn, and I don't care" is thought to be interpreted as the slave saying he'll take his punishment gladly in exchange for the death of the owner.
The song is 150 damn years old and it's been interpreted soooo many different ways, and the lyrics have changed so many time. Wikipedia has as very early version of the song and the one I heard growing up from a friend's grandfather:
In one early version, the idyllic (yet ironic) scene is set thus:
When I was young I us'd to wait
On the boss and hand him his plate;
and Pass down the bottle when he got dry,
And brush away the blue tail fly.
refrain (repeated each verse):
Jim crack corn and I don't care,
Jim crack corn and I don't care,
Jim crack corn and I don't care,
My master's gone away.
In the two verses that follow, the singer is told to protect his master's horse from the bite of the blue-tail fly:
An' when he ride in de afternoon,
I foiler wid a hickory broom;
De poney being berry shy,
When bitten by de blue tail fly.
One day he rode aroun' de farm,
De flies so numerous dey did swarm;
One chance to bite 'im on the thigh,
De debble take dat blu tail fly.
The horse bucks and the master is killed. The slave then escapes culpability:
De pony run, he jump an' pitch,
An' tumble massa in de ditch;
He died, an' de jury wonder'd why
De verdic was de blue tail fly.
The reference to a "jury" and a "verdic[t]" does not imply that the slave was charged with any crime. More likely, the writer refers to a coroner's inquest into the death.
They buried him 'neath the sycamore tree
His epitaph there for to see
"Beneath this stone I'm forced to lie
The victim of a blue-tailed Fly."
I bet you didn't ACTUALLY expect a legit and detailed answer to that one did ya?!
😀 Love you bro.
If Helen Keller fell over in a forest, and no one was around, would she make a sound?
I'm pretty sure she would. She was deaf and blind, but not mute. So unless she normally falls down silently, I'd guess the answer would be yes.