^You have acquired all the knowledge you need to know 😛
Do you ever have dreams about TMF memBers? If so.....which ones and why? 😀
Good to see I'm covered.
😀 Every once and a while some TMF members have entered my dreams. I think dreams are nothing more than your mind processing the all the crap of the day in weird ways, not that only people you saw that day can be in it, but just like a computer going through all the files in your head and putting together random stuff in random ways.
As for recently CrystalLight and Classy were in the same dream about 3 days ago. Jo and Nicky are two of my closest friends that I talk to almost daily either by phone or skype, so it doesn't even strike me weird for them to be in it. I don't remember all that was going on, but I pwn'ed the shit out of Jo in it, probably because her and I were doing the same thing not two days before at NEST. It was kind of nice because I RARELY ever have tickling dreams. How can I dream so little about something I think about so often is beyond me. Either way, I talked to both that morning and told them and they laughed.
I wish you able to visit us enough Rach that I'd be able to dream about you, you big cutie.
Since krazie is part of your name, what's the kraziest thing you've ever done?
You've asked that already in this thread and I still can't pinpoint one thing as the craziest. Silliest thing recently is, at NEST, Lyz (Skippydeedoodah) threw a cookie at me in the public couch area where we hang out a lot, so I walk over to her and she picked up both of her hands to block her face from whatever I was going to do, and when she did I picked up a plate of 17 large cookies (which HDS had baked a shit-ton of for NEST) and I pulled the collar of her shirt forward and dumped the entire plate of cookies into her cleavage. We all laughed ourselves stupid, then she started taking them out of her shirt, counting them. When she was finished, she announced 17, and it took both hands to hold them all, so while she couldn't use her hands I grabbed a second plate of 5 or 6 more cookies and dumped them into her shirt at well. Hence the name "Cookie Tits" you may see floating around in peoples tributes. Unfortunately no on captured it on video, but we do have pictures of it.
Wait a sec...do you have your rabies shot??? I don't play with dogs who aren't up to date...
Too late! I've kissed and/or hugged you many times now. You are infected, so deal with it! <3