*I look down at the cat on my belly, wondering what the hell it's doing there. I let out a little giggles as it's tail brushes across my belly, before it falls asleep.*
Cat: *Looks at last post and glares at you, insulted.* How dare you compare that oversized wannabe to a real cat! My name is Buttercup, thank you very much. Now I ask again. Do you want me to untie you or not?
*I see the cat move off of my belly and to the ground, and I let out a sigh of relief, but than I feel her brushing her tail against my feet. I look down at Buttercup and begin laughing as he tail brushes back and forth across my feet.*
Buttercup: *smirks* Don't ignore me, and I won't do that. *She moves away and gets right up into your face.* I will ask you only one more time. Do you or do you not wanna get free?
*As I see the cat, memories once again come floating back, this time not of the Cat in the Hat, but Felix the Cat, and I once again do not here Buttercup speaking.*
*I see the cat move to my feet, and than I watch as her tail brushes up and down my foot, and than to make things worse I see and feel her claws tormenting my other foot as I erupt in laughter.*
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha nohohohohohohohoho nohahahahahahat my fehehehehehehehet hahahahahahaha