I think he may be talking about anime characters. If thats what it is, thats another misconception based on visuals. Anime characters who appear to have just a line for a nose do in fact have a nose, its just not completely drawn in, thats part of the style. But you're to assume they do have a nose (if they're human anyway). The line itself is not the nose, its just the bridge of the nose, or at the very least a marker to let you know where the nose is.
The reason, on females, especially younger ones or cutesy ones, that the nose is not completely drawn in is because the less distinctive the feature, the more refined and feminine the feature is. In this case, by drawing smaller noses or not drawing the nostrils, it gives a softer, cuter feature. Some artists don't draw in the nose at all, though it most definitely is.
I know it may seem weird or artistically incorrect, but thats the way most basic manga is drawn. The nose is either not there, only the bridge is there and a shadow to show depth of the nose, or its a triange to actually make the nose.
This is almost never a problem with male characters, especially adults, its mainly something you'll see with female characters. And since 80% of all anime characters are human females or of human female appearance, we constantly see this.
Anime/manga style requires that you drop traditional thinking in order to understand it.
In other words, if you see no nose its not because its not there, its because you don't know why it hasn't been drawn like you may have expected it to be.
Preachy preachy meechi meechi! LOL! 😛