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This is like OJ all over again.
Casey Anthony will be released from jail in six days after a judge sentenced her Thursday to one year for each of four counts of lying to investigators, giving her credit for time already served.
Anthony, who was acquitted Tuesday of killing her daughter, can walk free July 13 because she already served nearly three years in jail and has had good behavior, the court ruled.
It just boils down to a weak minded, lazy jury who were clueless. using a stupid accident theory thats ridiculous. i guess you need to catch the actual murder on video tape nowadays for a conviction. i think people are watching way too many CSI shows and think they are actually knowledgable. ill still vote for professional juries even though it will never happen.
It just boils down to a weak minded, lazy jury who were clueless. using a stupid accident theory thats ridiculous. i guess you need to catch the actual murder on video tape nowadays for a conviction. i think people are watching way too many CSI shows and think they are actually knowledgable. ill still vote for professional juries even though it will never happen.
A stupider, unbiased Jury is more fair than a professional, biased one.
Except that that's a false dichotomy. Why assume that a professional jury would be biased? If nothing else, they might likely have a better grasp of the law than the one in this case did. A more knowledgeable and sophisticated jury (whether or not professional) would never have fallen for such childishly transparent deceptions as those employed by the defense in this case. (Although some here seem to have been drinking that "kool-aid.")
And maybe half of the jury were professionals who were part of the feminist movement.
I'm afraid I don't know what feminism has to do with it. Care to elaborate?
They'd have a bias towards the female in the case. That's essentially the point I was trying to get to, but it was kind of hard to do with this case in particular. That bias would effect their conclusion. An objective conclusion will almost always not be reachable with a biased jury. That's the entire point behind the whole 'random jury duty' thing.
A stupider, unbiased Jury is more fair than a professional, biased one.
And is far more likely to let murderers go free.
So a feeble-minded panel of jurors has decided, at least one of whom has apparently already expressed regret over that decision.
(And how do you like that Kasey Kool-Aid?)
its all about what you can legally prove Not what one thinks!!!!
its all about what you can legally prove Not what one thinks!!!!
This is the problem with the judicial system. any rationally thinking human being knows shes guilty, but because of minor legal loopholes, it offers her, and other criminals a way to stay free.
its all about what you can legally prove Not what one thinks!!!!
Concrete evidence would have been:
1. A container of chloroform matched chemically to chloroform found in the child's remains with Casey's fingerprints on it.
2. Remains found in Casey's car, rather than reports of a rotten smell in Casey's car.
3. Anything that can solidly declare how the child died, which could then be trace physically, not logically back to Casey.
I believe she did it, but there was just not sufficient evidence to convict her.
Scott Peterson must be SO pissed.
its all about what you can legally prove Not what one thinks!!!!
its not minor legal loopholes its a balanced system!