Ann, You Named One...
A long time ago I met a young woman who liked my spoken descriptions of tickling her. (We were both in the car, and I think her breathing was even stronger than mine at the time.) She specifically told me about her interest in restraint first, and she did so looking me straight in the eye with a tone of voice that conveyed her nervous sense of both risk and honesty; i.e., I believe she was telling me the truth.
We made the date; and yes, she had a "good reason" for having to cancel.
We made a second date; her attitude was quite different. She was practicing avoidance behavior like, well, just imagine.
I welcome any response from any woman here on this experience, because I don't want to repeat it. It's probably not good for either party.
From TicklingDuo on 09- 21-2002 11:23 PM
<I> 1. The dreamer - ... always have a "good reason" for having to cancel.
A long time ago I met a young woman who liked my spoken descriptions of tickling her. (We were both in the car, and I think her breathing was even stronger than mine at the time.) She specifically told me about her interest in restraint first, and she did so looking me straight in the eye with a tone of voice that conveyed her nervous sense of both risk and honesty; i.e., I believe she was telling me the truth.
We made the date; and yes, she had a "good reason" for having to cancel.
We made a second date; her attitude was quite different. She was practicing avoidance behavior like, well, just imagine.
I welcome any response from any woman here on this experience, because I don't want to repeat it. It's probably not good for either party.