I've been reading some wikipedia articles on the history of TV over the last 40 years, and it seems to me that of all the networks that aired shows which changed the history of TV, CBS has the most..
Although I was an infant when it started in 1970, and I cant claim to have watched many episodes, or be a "fan".. The Mary Tyler Moore Show was the first. A single woman lead character.. who had a career, and whose primary goal in life wasnt to get married.
All In The Family.. 1971.,. Yes., Archie Bunker was a bigot, but.. before this show.. who would have ever thought to bring such a character to the screen? A working class.. uneducated. predjudice man who seemed to have something bad to say about all groups.
The Jeffersons.. The first affluent African American shown on TV. Although George Jefferson wasnt educated like his later African American counterpart, Dr Heathcliff Huxtable.. Mr Jefferson was shown as doing well for himself, owning seven cleaning stores, and living in his "Deluxe Apartment In The Sky"
Dallas.. JR Ewing. Money, Backstabbing, Dishonesty, Adultery.. Until this show went on the air, who would have ever dreamed of having a character on TV who cheated on his wife? Viewers loved it.. They kept the show on the air for thirteen years.
I know other networks have had shows that changed TV, but it seems to me that CBS might have the most.. as evidenced by the ebove examples.
Thoughts on this?
Although I was an infant when it started in 1970, and I cant claim to have watched many episodes, or be a "fan".. The Mary Tyler Moore Show was the first. A single woman lead character.. who had a career, and whose primary goal in life wasnt to get married.
All In The Family.. 1971.,. Yes., Archie Bunker was a bigot, but.. before this show.. who would have ever thought to bring such a character to the screen? A working class.. uneducated. predjudice man who seemed to have something bad to say about all groups.
The Jeffersons.. The first affluent African American shown on TV. Although George Jefferson wasnt educated like his later African American counterpart, Dr Heathcliff Huxtable.. Mr Jefferson was shown as doing well for himself, owning seven cleaning stores, and living in his "Deluxe Apartment In The Sky"
Dallas.. JR Ewing. Money, Backstabbing, Dishonesty, Adultery.. Until this show went on the air, who would have ever dreamed of having a character on TV who cheated on his wife? Viewers loved it.. They kept the show on the air for thirteen years.
I know other networks have had shows that changed TV, but it seems to me that CBS might have the most.. as evidenced by the ebove examples.
Thoughts on this?