Dear Kinky,
Your post reminded me of an episode of Seinfeld where Jerry tells George that he had sex with Elaine the night before. George is flabbergasted and then demands "details." But Jerry says that he's "not in the mood" for giving out details. "You're not in the mood?!" George replies. "Listen, Jerry: I'm out of a job, I don't have a girlfriend, and I live with my parents. You're not in the mood??--well you just GET in the mood!"
I was there and it seemed to be a very successful munch. Now, I don't have much to compare it to--it being my first gathering and all--so judge for yourself: I believe that at its peak, there were 13 people in attendance, 8 men and 5 women. Most of the women were attached to an attending man, but no matter--women are women!
The conversation was pretty comfortable, I would say. Andy did a great job of setting a relaxed tone (for those who haven't met him, he has a calm, friendly, "nothing to worry about here" aura around him. And his "feather-signal" plan worked out well.). There was a fair amount of "tickle-talk," although not continuous by any means. Other topics included what people did for a living, where they resided, and the possibility of future gatherings. (I also received some much-needed computer advice from His Divine Shadow!)
Two other highlights for now: Apparently, it was naturaltickler's birthday--for the third or fourth time this year. People on the deep inside may understand why the cake presented was decorated with a squirrel (I certainly don't). And the bravery award for the evening must go to Fttklr (spelling??); right there in the pub he managed to take a close-up photo of one of our fair lady's feet, the right one, I believe. (I'll let her identify herself, if she chooses.) I tried to act non-chalant and prepared what I would say to the waitress. "Yes, of course that's a man taking a picture of a woman's foot on top of this table. He's...a...professional podiatrist!"
I could go on, but I'm sure Andy and others will fill in additional points of interest. I'm glad I went. I look forward to an opportunity for actual play at some point in the near future.
dig dug dog