Poor old Tronny.........
.....you just dont read too well do you? I hope you can read all those dials and switches on that Nuclear arsenal you reckon you control better than you do my posts.My post says that U.S support was luke warm and grudgingly offered at the last minute. Which bit of that last sentance dont you understand? I can spread it out and write it bigger if you like.
I see you have also taken to re writing Aviation history, so, the Harrier jump jet was an American design was it? and here I am thinking it was a British invention, later built under licence in America!!! where do I get these fanciful notions!!!
Your re writes of American military history are also very interesting, I have heard some feeble excuses for defeat, but to say you were "tired of fighting" just about takes the biscuit! that has to be up there in the hall of fame for excuses, alongside Emperor Hirohito,s legendary " ...the war has ended in a manner not neccesarily to our advantage..."
Lets look at some of your other drivel:-
My point about mentioning the "Battle of the Nile" and "Trafalgar" was that it seemed very odd that you of all people would miss them out, (I take it you have heard of these famous sea battles?) especially as you single out Wellington and Malbrough, but miss out Nelson who,s role was just as important. Nelson is a well known sailor in case you were wondering.
So you reckon the french "fought like studs" in the battle of france in WW2!!! where is that quote from? General Degaulle,s memoirs? the french army was beat before it started, and whats this re write about the B.E.F,s "cowardly retreat"? that must be General Gamelins diaries! the B.E.F was under French command as were the Belgians, the French called the shots untill close to the end, and what happened at the end? the B.E.F. had the Belgians on their left flank, and the French on their right, the Belgians surrendered and the French ran for it. This left us in an increasingly stretched out salient, dangerously close to encirclement, leaving us no option other than withdrawl to Dunkirk. The French were asked to join us in this escape, but chose to dither and prevaricate, and became encircled, this is not how you form a reargaurd, there was no French rearguard for the B.E.F. Given your low opinion of the French army, what makes you fly off with this "alice in wonderland" notion of a gallant rearguard for the B.E.F.?
The B.E.F. mounted its own rearguard wich was evacuated on the night of 2 june. Given your sudden outburst of pride in the fighting qualities of the French army, why was the other half of their army which was not encircled, elbowing its way on to British destroyers?
The impressive French resistance in north africa is well documented, I cant see how you can dispute that, and while we are on the subject I would love to hear your re write of the U.S. perfomance on that occasion, even Ike said it was bad, but no doubt you know better than him!!
Lastly whats this tosh about us following the "line of least resistance" over Iraq? we are flying in the face of massive international pressure and european pressure to hold the opposite view to the one we now have, how is that a line of least resistance?
So, I think you know what you need to do Tronny, whats that phrase of yours? .....er....."Learn your history" ? well see if you can complete this one "those in glass houses........"
p.s. whats this rot about the Brits never surrendering? look up the fall of singapore WW2 and see what happened, or did we just get "tired of fighting"?