Hello All,
The get-together is going to be MUNCH style. That means that we will meet at a public venue, such as a restaurant or diner. There may be a possibility of play-time for those that want to participate. I'm still working on the latter.
The MUNCH will be on Sat, March 29th, time will be determined later. However, it will be in the afternoon time. The meeting place will be on Long Island and most likely in the Farmingdale or near Farmingdale area(someplace easily accessable from a LIRR station).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Those of you that are interested, please email me at
[email protected] In the subject line you must write Gathering or Tickling, otherwise it will be deleted along with the junk mail that I receive daily. Merely, responding to this thread will not get you on the guest list. You must email me.
Included in the email in need the following general info:
1) Valid email address (that you actually check periodically)
2) How many guests including yourself.
3) How many female/male
Reserve this date on your calendar! More details about the MUNCH will follow as we get closer to the event date. Those that are on the guest list will be emailed the actual location with pertinent info.
Be well