I'm going to break away from the apparent trend on this thread. I actually quite enjoy cybering with the right person.
Think of it as an excersise of the imagination. You can make tickling sound so much more erotic than *tickles ur feet*, or, "HAHAHASTOPITHEHEHE".
However, it is by and large no substitute for the real thing.
I don't think there's an issue with it.
If it's not done like absolute shit.
Yeah, it's good.
Then again, I don't understand the constant calls of "REAL THING OMG REAL THING". Long distance relationship ever?
Because if it's always real thing, then I think the art, stories, images, and clips are even worse for you people. I mean, at the very least, there's someone on the other end of a cyber tickle. All that other stuff? It's independent.
I used to be into cybertickling. I saw it as less of a fun activity and moar of a creativity excersise. It was like writing a story, while directly interacting with the main character at the same time. If someone wanted to cybertickle with me and they typed liek dis n wantd me 2 tickl them 2 tears, I would have nothing to do with it. On the other hand, if someone was well-spoken (well-typed? I don't know for sure) and expressed their throughts and reactions clearly, I was all for it since it entertained and excersised my brain.
What they said.
I find it funny that so many people say "no, real thing ftw!" Well, yeah. Of course one would prefer the real thing. That isn't the question. What about the people you wish you could do it with but can't because of distance?
Like Ru and Jo said, as long as it's done right and with the right person then there isn't a problem. Sometimes it's even enjoyable. *gasps*
Seriously.... no one is saying the real thing is prefered.... but if you can't have that....
I love the idea of cyber-anything with someone who's quick-thinking and talented.