Katarina had grown quite ill of this silence, and as she'd suddenly heard Beth's nearly incoherent ramblings, she turned to face her. She was surprised to see that she'd gotten to her feet, not that it would do her much good with the way she was tied. Then again, they had neglected to tie Beth's knees they way they had hers, so she had a little more freedom of movement...
Unfortunately, this momentary distraction had given Bodry the time he'd needed to get inside the car from the side door, and get a rope lassoed around Katarina's shoulders. Using a pulley somewhere on the car's ceiling, he pulled what remained of her torso off the ground, arching her back severely and forcibly un-tucking her chin as she groaned, gritting her teeth fiercely. He tied the rope to a steel eyelet on the floor, and stepped out of the car through the open main door, standing beside Katarina, who had begun to breathe heavily through her nose, trying to wriggle her shoulders free of the lasso around her abdomen, but apprehensive of lunging forward once she did, as the rope would then be around her neck. As if she needed more bad news, she suddenly became aware of Addams in front of her again, this time at eye-level, and within arms reach.
"Get her mouth open!" He called to Bodry, one arm raised defensively, with a horseshoe hanging on either side of his elbow.
"Say 'Ahh" Kat'ee." Bodry said to Katarina kindly, like a doctor dealing with a stubborn patient. And with that, he began to knead his fingers against her ribs from behind, inducing a sort of spasm from Katarina as she writhed irritably beneath the car. The wheels groaned and grated against the track, as she bucked, and seethed, and hissed in a futile attempt to keep herself from laughing.
"Can't you just hold her nose or something?" Addams said with a frustrated grunt as he tried to line his arm up with Katarina's swinging head.
"And put my hand in danger of being bitten off? I have surgery to perform."
Somewhat more dismayed at his own errand, now, Addams, grabbed Katarina's shirt by the leather band that held it up on her, though it took all of his might just to hold her head still, even with the assistance of a train.
Bodry continued to exploit Katarina's backless garment, as he tucked his fingers between her arms and shoulder blades, and carefully prodded her armpits. Addams was met with a small spray of spit as she pursed her lips together to repress what might have been a squeal under normal circumstances.
The expression on her face could only be described as an agonized smile, her brow furrowed in concentration at her task, though her cheeks, lips, and teeth succumbing to the sensations being used to distract her. Addams, levered his palm against the bridge of her upper teeth, and mindful of his fingers began to press upward, trying to pry her mouth open. As resentful little chirps of laughter were bubbling up out of Katarina's chest, and Addams opened her mouth little by little, the sound of Katarina's apparent mirth became more and more audible. Katarina squeezed her eyes shut, and bared down on her front teeth so fiercely that Addam's palm began to bleed, but her laughter helplessly persisted.
Inch by inch, her jaw slackened, her teeth separating just enough until....KLANG! The sound of an iron horseshoe clattering against her teeth like an iron post rang out against the empty valley walls. Addams had wedged his arm between Katarina's teeth, the horseshoes acting as light armor to protect his flesh and bone from her savage bite. The only blood that resulted from this entry had been drawn by Katarina, as Addams' palm bled along her lip and chin.
Uncrooking his arm, he began to slide the open end of the "U" shaped iron down his arm, and over Katarina's molars, prying her mouth open further. She tried to bite down on it, and resist its continued pressure on her jaw, but it inevitably reached the end of her teeth, and rested on the gums just behind her wizened teeth. With her bite strength cut in more than half, Addams had no trouble pulling back his arm, extending it along Katarina's opposite cheek, and restraining the other side of her mouth. When that portion of his task was done, he stepped back, as Katarina shook her head and swung her face, vainly attempting to dislodge the steel from the back of her teeth, her mouth gaping and a panicked moan escaping her.
Bodry came from behind Katarina, his ministrations having ceased some time ago, and placed a booted foot in the middle of Katarina's chest, his fingers gripping the new rope around her shoulders. With a handful of the length in his grasp, he heaved his weight against Katarina's already contorted back, causing her to scream, but slackening the rope just enough for him to pull it up over her head. But rather than pull it over her head, he held it just above Katarina's open mouth before stepping back, and allowing gravity to do the rest. As Katarina's back relaxed, her weight fell forward, and the lasso tightened around her head, suspending her weight still, but now with the added benefit of holding the horseshoes more tentatively in place.
Finally looking over to Beth, Bodry, nudged his companion and gave him the brief command, "Finish up the preparations. I'll take care of this one." And with that he handed Addams a length of rope, and a pair of pliers...