1. Is it still warm down there?
Yep. Loving it 😀
2. Did you get a nice tan over the summer?
3. Do you have an interest in American baseball?
Nope, its a little too slow for my liking.
4. Is it still warm enough to go swimming?
Surprisingly yes! Making the most of it for sure.
5. How is work going?
Not bad, apart from the general riff raff.
6. Are you planning to take any education courses?
Not right now. I'll go back to studying one day I suppose.
7. When is your next holiday down there?
We have ANZAC Day coming up next week.
8. Have you had any tickles lately?
Not too recently. But maybe again soon! 😀
9. Did I read that you had a brush applied to the soles of your feet?
Yes. Yes you did. This must not be spoken of again
10. What is your favorite American beer?
Tough! Either Miller Lite, Budweiser or Coors.