Hello Myth and Nemesis,
I have read your letters, and I must inform the two of you, that I do indeed have notebooks of your transgressions, and Nemesis' is so huge in number, I have to go get another notebook....and I might add that yours Myth, is adding up as well
Let me further add that my memory is razor sharp, will not forget a thing, so that is double trouble, and I am in prime physical condition enough, to give you BOTH a tickling of a lifetime...and since you both are gluttons for punishment, this is not surprising the amount of smack you are talking...so, please stop writing checks your asses cannot cash
In conclusion, if the two of you care about your health and well being, it will be imperative that you two start being on your best behavior...if not, the punishment will be extreme, and LONG...
that is all
Dear Natural,
I want to suggest to you that you very quickly obtain one of these :
I believe it has 400 pages. That should be able to hold 1/4 of the transgressions I shall boldly, and most enthusiastically commit between now and MTP. My strategy differs from Nemesis...I hope you keep track of each and every transgression. Your threats of punishment are music to my ears (and you know how much I love music )
And may I also suggest this to help your 'razor-sharp' memory:
You should play this game as much as possible before the gathering . I wouldn't want you to forget anything or over-estimate your memory powers .
Don't worry your pretty little head about my 'check-cashing' abilities . You just worry about my transgressions, eating your Wheaties and making sure you take it easy on your hands 'tween now and the gathering'...it'd be most tragic if you were unable to deliver on your threats .
Warmest Regards,