ShiningIce said:And so the dreaded Flame War returns to the TMF ...........
Anything to take the spotlight from the dreaded "Humor Forum" ....or no, the "watch me get 1000 posts in an hour" forum.
ShiningIce said:And so the dreaded Flame War returns to the TMF ...........
ShiningIce said:Why Krokus you seem upset whatever is the matter? What have I done now?
ShiningIce said:Ok, I'll waddle back and just for you Ill make a PMS thread. You really could use one.
bella said:Howdy folks,
Without being mean or making jokes (well, not too many 🙄 ) can someone please explain the differences between these two political parties?
Admiral Trouser said:Hmmm, somewhat biased opinion there, leomac, lol. Rich Elitists they may be, but by and large the're rich because the're successful, and the're successful because the're intelligent. In certain ways, at least. It's fairly logical.
leomac said:Since 30% or less of us actually vote, it's impossible to hold these toads responsible. Unless we can get voter participation up to 75%, politicians will continue to try to out spend one another, and, IMHO, this country is a train wreck waiting to happen.
lightninbug said:In Recent years, however it's getting harder & harder to tell the parties one from the other. It now seems that there is only ONE Party: the Business Party W/ 2 separate Branches...the Democrats & the Republicans.
Money, or so It seems to THIS writer, Has TAKEN OVER from participational Democracy as the OIL that greases the Cogs of Our Government.
TklDuo-Ann said:The only reason I'm even registered in a party is to be able to vote in the primaries. I look at the issues and those claiming they'll do something positive about them. Whoever has the most viable proposals gets my vote.
bella said:Thank you Admiral and Madkalnod, your responses have been quite a help! If you have insight regarding which party can best protect our country (as nonjudgmentally as realistically possible) I'd appreciate it.
AffectionateDan said:Don't even get me STARTED on that last presidential 'election'.So we slide further into the machine. 1984, here we come...
Admiral Trouser said:For example, if you were to convert that vast majority of american non-voters into beleiving that, as a unified voting force, they could easely elect into office a third-party candidate, then they would perhaps go out there and do it. Often such apathetic types claim that they'd be *willing* to vote for a Third party, but they feel that since no-one else will, why bother?AT
bella said:As a preschool teacher I've learned how to handle tantrums; but online you can't 'see' a person, and often one needs to let them show whether they're an adult or a child so that you as an adult can alter your behavior regarding them accordingly. And so I've learned even more from this outing than originally intended 🙂 .