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Depressed at people on here...

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Good points.

I look at life half full. A chap my age died in my village the other week and I'm still alive. Life is good.

Life would be gooder with a stack of cash and a smoking blonde mistress though :Hyrdrogen

Shambles, it's up to you to decide whether you choose to see the glass as half empty or half full. Of course there are people here with troubles, just like the rest of society. And it's a wonderful thing that they're not afraid to discuss their issues, because they feel amongst friends here. There's nothing about being honest about your life that makes one 'undesireable', as you so unkindly put it. As people have mentioned, there are just as many folks on this forum who have great careers and loving families and a shiny outlook on life as there are folks with difficult obstacles. Which group you focus on says more about you than the forum members. :Hyrdrogen
I'm not even going to try to win this arguement now!

You'll never win an arguement with a woman - ever - period.

Who's arguing? You started this thread - and asked for discussion. Were you expecting the masses to come flooding in here to agree with you that we're all a bunch of pathetic losers? Come on - even you had the foresightedness to know there was going to be some disagreement here.
i'm so depressed at the number of people who seem to be undesirable on here (that may or may not include me - i hope it doesn't).

I'm thinking of: -

  • People without jobs
  • People whose lives have collapsed
  • People with terrible illnesses
  • People with no ambition
  • Producers who film their films in squalour and look as poor as a church mouse
  • People with no money
  • People with no families
  • People with no relationships

No, be blunt-- just be prepared to receive it back. Try not to get offended if that happens.

So, by your observations, we're all losers because we live our lives like normal people? Your definition of undesirable and mine are WAY different.
Not trying to be mean, but you would definitely fit into my definition of "undesirable" by this very post.

There's probably reasons as to why people do not fit into YOUR category of desirable. Perhaps you should take cues from those of us who actually take the time to get to know these so-called "undesirables". Some of them are my dearest friends. And trust me, we are winners.

I come here to check and see what my friends are doin, and to connect with others here. If I feel the need to offer advice for a friend of mine who posted about something unfortunate that happened in their lives.........I don't say, "Haha! You LOSER! You lost your job!" That's not what a friend does, is it? I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be friends anymore after that.

I don't know about seeking professional help, but having such an elitist view doesn't seem to help much, in my opinion. But hey, if you ever feel like slumming on the TMF one of these days, there are some really great people on here.

I don't think it's a matter of being a loser or winner. I think it has more to do with what people post. If something's not going well in your life and you absolutely need to vent about it, the TMF is a great refuge. Most people on here are pretty sympathetic to the needs/misfortunes of others.

Conversely, if something really good happens to someone, say getting a new job or having a new baby in the family or something, the odds of posting about it are less. People don't usually need to vent about good stuff. And when one of those threads does get posted, it doesn't usually receive the attention that venting threads get. Well-wishes ensue, but it's not a huge love-in. Or it gets moved to the Celebration Forum, where fewer people view the thread.

Further, if something HUGE and good happened, I can see it not getting posted at all. For example, if I were to win the lottery and I was independently wealthy for the rest of my life, I can't imagine I would post on the TMF and tell everyone about it. Would you? That could easily cause more problems than it would solve.

I don't think the problem is that the people on here are losers or winners by any measurable stretch of success or failure. I think that the nature of humanity is that we tend to share more of the bad things that happen in our lives than the good. It's unfortunate, but true.

As for success, I think a better question than "Am I successful?" might be "Am I happy?". I know that I'm not the most financially successful person on the forum (yet), but I know that if I ever need anything or somebody to talk to, that there's at least six people I can name off the top of my head from the TMF that I can call who will be there for me. I have good friends, a steady job and enough going on in my life that I'm not bored.

It's not perfect, and I'm not rich, but I'm not a loser. (Comments to yourself on that one Amy. 😉 )

Snail Shell
Looking at the bigger picture,

We are winners by simply being here to decide what we think 😛
I am full of win! My husband makes enough money to support us, I go to school full time, and I have a beautiful baby. What more could I ask for?

I also don't view anyone on the site as a loser, unless well they are one and have personally offended me. People live their lives differently and if they don't have something they want then they aren't trying hard enough.
I am just gonna back away slowly ...

I am so blogging about this later!

Uh oh. That can't be a good sign. :shake:

oh, wait, who was that guy who hacked my account....phew, i'm glad that was sorted out......

hey mammers, what's up?

woooooorrrrrddddd! :england2:
I certainly can't speak for you or anyone else here, but I in no way consider myself a pathetic or generally unhappy person. An angry one currently, but not pathetic.

Everyone becomes depressed now and then; that's life, we deal with it and move on. Some of your theories I seriously question. Directors who film their films in squalor and taint? Its called artistic direction, the world isn't sunshine and fluffy bunnies. David Lynch does this in all of his films and he is as normal and adjusted as the next person.

People who aren't in relationships are pathetic, depressed and not normal? My best friend has never been in a relationship, and he is the most optimistic bastard I have ever known in my life. Its honestly a bit cloying at times lol.

People with no money aren't happy? I'm as poor (gasp! I referred to myself as poor! I must be one fucked up individual indeed) as a poet and I couldn't feel more fulfilled. Not everyone is content with materialism for happiness, some of us have more depth to our persona.

I think this thread is a naked bid for attention and is rather insulting to the members as a whole.

addendum: I also read your responses to certain members who don't agree with your generalized viewpoints of the world.They come off as incredibly pompous and condescending. Don't expect hugs and kisses from people when displaying this sort of infantile attitude.
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I've been staring at this thread, and grinding my teeth to try to be calm.
So, according to your standards Shambles, no one on this forum is successful? Who gives you that god forsaken right? Yeah the economy in this ridiculous country has screwed over a lot of hardworkin' Americans, but does that still make them unsuccessful? I don't think so. Did you ever think that they may have their health, the support of their family and friends, a roof over their heads, THAT'S NOT SUCCESSFUL? Independence is success my dear. I may not be a hot blonde mistress for a millionaire, but I'm making it to the best of my advantage to be successful. Do you think success happens over night? Fuck no. I don't need a job to be happy. I don't need a relationship to be happy. I don't need money to be happy. And I certainly don't need a "hot blonde mistress" to be happy. But guess what? I have part time jobs available. I have a very loving relationship. I have a swarm of loving friends and family. I have some money to get me by. And well, I'm not really into blondes. Things may not go the way I want them to go as of now, but considering that I am eager to make it happen, I'm pretty fucking happy. Maybe your the one that's depressed because you aren't happy, and things are not exactly going your way. Keep your personal successful people standards to yourself.
I certainly can't speak for you or anyone else here, but I in no way consider myself a pathetic or generally unhappy person. An angry one currently, but not pathetic.

Everyone becomes depressed now and then; that's life, we deal with it and move on. Some of your theories I seriously question. Directors who film their films in squalor and taint? Its called artistic direction, the world isn't sunshine and fluffy bunnies. David Lynch does this in all of his films and he is as normal and adjusted as the next person.

People who aren't in relationships are pathetic, depressed and not normal? My best friend has never been in a relationship, and he is the most optimistic bastard I have ever known in my life. Its honestly a bit cloying at times lol.

People with no money aren't happy? I'm as poor (gasp! I referred to myself as poor! I must be one fucked up individual indeed) as a poet and I couldn't feel more fulfilled. Not everyone is content with materialism for happiness, some of us have more depth to our persona.

I think this thread is a naked bid for attention and is rather insulting to the members as a whole.

addendum: I also read your responses to certain members who don't agree with your generalized viewpoints of the world.They come off as incredibly pompous and condescending. Don't expect hugs and kisses from people when displaying this sort of infantile attitude.

Agreed. With all of this.. I myself was shocked/ highly pi**ed by this thread. How can you ( O.P )possibly call people who have run into bad luck in some way ( loss of job, depressed, no relationship) losers? That is sick.
I've been staring at this thread, and grinding my teeth to try to be calm.
So, according to your standards Shambles, no one on this forum is successful? Who gives you that god forsaken right? Yeah the economy in this ridiculous country has screwed over a lot of hardworkin' Americans, but does that still make them unsuccessful? I don't think so. Did you ever think that they may have their health, the support of their family and friends, a roof over their heads, THAT'S NOT SUCCESSFUL? Independence is success my dear. I may not be a hot blonde mistress for a millionaire, but I'm making it to the best of my advantage to be successful. Do you think success happens over night? Fuck no. I don't need a job to be happy. I don't need a relationship to be happy. I don't need money to be happy. And I certainly don't need a "hot blonde mistress" to be happy. But guess what? I have part time jobs available. I have a very loving relationship. I have a swarm of loving friends and family. I have some money to get me by. And well, I'm not really into blondes. Things may not go the way I want them to go as of now, but considering that I am eager to make it happen, I'm pretty fucking happy. Maybe your the one that's depressed because you aren't happy, and things are not exactly going your way. Keep your personal successful people standards to yourself.

If I may. Im not rich but I'm 55 have my health a little job to help keep ends meet a roof over my head and food on the table and the best part I'm Happy. I also have a lot of friends here as in everyday life I think I am pretty well off considering things could be a lot worse. now I have to figure out where I'm gonna get the money for my next pack of cigarettes lol
I don't see what you see. I see people who...

-Own their own businesses - vid production and otherwise
-Have amazing families and beautiful children
-Are honest, loyal, and sincere
-Are in process of getting a college education - some while working full-time to support themselves
-Have made, and continue to make, some of the best friends of their lives from this site
-Offer sincere advice to one another in times of confusion
-Have banded together to help members negatively affected by natural disasters
-Support members who open up about personal issues (i.e. sexual abuse, eating disorders)

and I could go on.

Everyone in the world, here and elsewhere, are afflicted by some of the issues you mentioned. Avoiding it is impossible. What matters is how you deal with it, and it's my opinion that the folks here deal with negative issues well, especially when we have eachother to lean on.

not to mention that out-pouring of support that you get from members of this community.....this "family" (better put) in times of crisis. when my mom died (3 days before this past Christmas), i had more support from people on here, people that i have never met, than i had from some mebers of my own, actual family. and to piggy-back of what Tortuga said, here are my loser stats for ya:

i have a great paying job (that took me 3 and a half years to get)
a roof over my head
food in my fridge
a wife that loves me
a family that i would die for
reliable transportation to and from work
my health is good
my faith in the goddess is strong
i love my hockey team
my in-law family is awesome
my wife has a kick ass job that she loves
i'm now one class shy of my degree with a 3.5 GPA

but hey, what do i know? i come on this site regularly so i must be an unsuccessful loser.
Yes, the only people on this site are poor pathetic losers who can't afford shit while working any job they can and struggling to get by while the fat cats with trust funds buy their favorite kind of clip 50 times so as to support the end of the free world so that slavery is allowed again so they can use the poor as slaves to build floating cities.

BTW, troll topic lol.
just to be a bit blunt, myself:

excess amounts of cash does not equate happiness. what's the point in living a life where you've done all there is, and you have the money to just sit back and let everyone do everything for you?

a hot blonde mistress does not equate success. once that money is gone (bad spending, poor investments, etc.), she's gone.

i rock, simply because i know i do. i believe in that. my success will be: the ability to provide for my family, help my friends if they need it, and being able to say "HA! I have won!" to every stinking lowlife that ever thought i wouldn't make it.

if you think you are a loser for being here, so be it. if you say that having visible proof of wealth is the only way to go, then you have my pity.
excess amounts of cash does not equate happiness. what's the point in living a life where you've done all there is, and you have the money to just sit back and let everyone do everything for you?

a hot blonde mistress does not equate success. once that money is gone (bad spending, poor investments, etc.), she's gone.
Oh I beg to differ. The point is that you have the money to enjoy life. You can say what you want about money not buying happiness, but quite honestly, it does. You want to enjoy life by going out mountain climbing or sky diving? Well that costs money. Mostly everything costs money. And it might not buy people's affection, but it pays for the means of actually meeting people sometimes.
I really hate this winner/loser dichotomy. It wreaks of middle school mentality to me - you're either cool or a loser in middle school, right? I find the labels irrelevant. Life isn't something you win or lose. It's far more complex.
i'm so depressed at the number of people who seem to be undesirable on here (that may or may not include me - i hope it doesn't).

The OP of this thread inspired a new addition to my sig...

I am an "undesirable" and well pleased about that.
Hey, no hostility here, no questioning your mental prowess, and no speculation about why you would start a thread like this. Just an observation that you're coming off as an immature, shallow snob and your reputation will suffer if you keep it up. And if you can't see why, then I really can't help you.
Sometimes, people who loathe themselves project the failings they see in themselves onto others and then make fun of others for these supposed failings. What I'm curious about is why a self professed success story who has company directorships under his belt and designs on starting his own tickling video production outfit would care enough about other people's foibles to question them in such a brusque manner :-o
People with very full lives have less time to post. They're the ones who come back after a 6-month absence to say, "I'm sorry I've been gone so long! I've met the love of my life!"

I think we all go through good and bad times. And many of us (not all, but many), are less likely to share to the good times over the internet.
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