Aye. Spamming ain't good. (I know, obvious and blatent, but sometimes these things need to be said! 😛)
But I feel that I must apologise about any spamming I do. I may not have done so in the actual thread in discussion here (Infact I've only said about two things in that thread and both of which were complimenting Senshi's work), but I have done my fair share of spamming or going off-topicness. I, too, find it easy to do that. I completely and utterly apologise anything that I have written in previous threads that was off-topic, completely useless and deemed annoying to the thread starter. Chances are that the post was unnecessary and pointless, and for that I am sorry.
And as for Vlad's point, I agree. A lot of us need to lower or stop the amount of spamming we do, including myself. I've made it one of my aims.
On a side note, Vlad, I think you should lighten up a lil bit.
Now I mean that out of NO disrespect, none what so ever, and I know how strongly you feel about this thread but anger isn't really what is needed here.
I was reading some of the posts above and, for the majority, I completely agree with what has been said, several of which are your points Vlad. But the tone in some of the posts above, including your Vlad is (in my opinion) unnecessary.
At one point LK was trying to lighten up this thread, keeping everything calm and peaceful so that we can think straight and express our opinions properly. But after that you sorta brought the tone back down to a depressing level.
I'm like LK. I apologise for things that aren't really my fault and I just want people to be happy. But I truly believe that, in order to make any progress, we need to lighten up a little bit and, instead of stating what's wrong with what everyones doing, we suggest ways in which people can improve and encouraging them to do so. (which is what you have been doing Vlad).
So everyone, especially Vlad (sorry dude), should lighten up a bit. 🙂
I mean no offense at all to you Vlad by what I've said above, and I apologise if you found any of it offensive or think I wrote that in order to be offensive, but I honestly and sincerely didn't. I just hate depressing threads and thing we could develop a lot better in a happy environment. 🙂
Maybe I shouldn't have written this post after all...
Well, anyway, that's my opinion. 😛