Wow, if this isn't a blatant call out if I've ever seen one.
Here, I'll bite.
First of all, this whole thread by no means reads as this:
Helena said:
With the place changing all the time, it's nice to know that I can ask questions about different things without a problem. I think communication is important when I'm trying to understand new things.
You've made blatant snide remarks and side bar slams and seriously, did you think that no one was going to take offense to that? Were you honestly convinced that a thread title like that was going to be "blown over"? You got called out on your shit and instantly began singing another tune.
I'm not saying it's wrong to be curious, not at all. However, the comments that you made that were clearly directed at a select few for the most part of the forum wasn't productive at all.
Helena said:
I get the feeling that I'm one of the hold outs on the forum that enjoys tickling without sucking on a baby binky, or using the phrase PWN.
Why do you feel that way, Helena? How does sucking on a nuk or using the phrase "pwn" make someone a totally different way?
Don't you think it's a little unfair to also be making a statement alluding to the fact that because you don't suck a nuk or use internet shorthand that you could quite possibly be viewing yourself as some higher up in comparison to those of us that do those things?
Do we snob you or turn our noses up at you? No. Just like you don't (or shouldn't) to us because you use (To be politically correct here) Font size 3, Verdana and Font Color Dark Orchird. You have your thing and express it how you desire. As do we. Where's the issue?
See all these questions I'm posing? That's properly conveying a general curiosity. Not making snide little remarks in attempts to come off as innocently asking questions. I'm also extremely interested in what your replies to the aforementioned questions will be as well.
I could just as easily say that *I* get the feeling I'm one of the hold outs on the forum that enjoys tickling without having to stalk someone from thread to thread, deliberately looking to stir shit up because I have nothing better to do with my time but justify my misery by attempting to inflict on someone else.
But.. that's just silly.
Helena said:
I'm definitely a heterosexual woman
I'm confused by this statement. I'm a heterosexual woman. Amanda's a heterosexual woman. Skip's a heterosexual woman... what are you trying to convey with this statement?
Helena said:
I just love tickling in general, and for the longest time, I've felt the freedom to enjoy this site in so many wonderful ways.
What's changed so much that has put some idea in your head that you have no freedom to enjoy the forum?
Because there are images floating around forum and in signature pictures of girls sucking on pacifiers?
Let's rectify that.
- Open you your PM box.
Look to the left of your screen. You'll see this:
See where it says:
Edit Options ?
Click on that. You'll be greeted to a whole page of goodies.
Scroll until you get this on your screen:
I'm sure you can figure out the rest, right? But-- if you're
You need to uncheck the boxes for Signatures.
Problem fucking solved.
Oh, right. The Internet shorthand.
Due to popular demand and general curiosity, Amanda and I took the time out to create a thread specifically detailed to explain each popular used term and emote and even provided a description and explanation for each one.
I went back through the thread and ironically enough, you didn't partake in that. I don't know if you read it or not-- but here, for your enjoyment:
Look at that. Two problems solved. What's the issue now, Helena? Are you sure it's not the fact that you aren't choosing to involve yourself in aspects of anything by your OWN accord and are sitting there with your thumb in your ass waiting for someone to come by and graciously lay it all out for you?
Sorry, sugar. That's not how it works in the real world. And this community?
This forum? As much as a majority of us wanna sit back, cross our arms and claim that this has nothing to do with real life or your impact personally or mentally, this is fucking society.
Let's be honest here. You've got an issue with a majority of us. You've made that clear. And you know what? That's cool. You know where you fucked up?
Making that clear on public board. Especially the way that you delivered the message across.
Helena said:
I used to really enjoy the tickling discussion, but since I'm not into the whole group scene, like going to "hump" and "omnomnom" everyone for a weekend grope, all loose and lite-like, I feel perhaps the site has changed enough to no longer meet my needs.
Weekend grope, huh? You think it's some hot ass party where we all strip naked and fuck each other? Or just pull each other's tits and snatches out, the boys whip their cocks out and we sit around touching each other while eating twinkies?
Of course that must absolutely NOT be what you mean. But, that's how it's coming across.
Meet your needs? How has it changed? Judging by your very risqué story that I'll even plug for you here:
It doesn't seem much has changed except the fact that people are speaking openly and frankly about the very same things that are written about in your story. If anything, that's a positive. Being able to share what so clearly is a fantasy of yours with others who've actually had the chance to live it out. I think that's pretty fucking cool.
Helena said:
I have no idea how other people feel about the shift in culture on the forum, or even if it matters to anyone but me. I expect that this will be an unpopular post, and that I am in the minority.
What happens when culture shifts when you walk away from the computer?
How do you adapt, Helena? Are you left looking out your window as shit goes on around you? Refusing to take any part of it due to your OWN personal apprehensions or tendencies?
And then, take solace in turning around and slamming into those that enjoy what they enjoy and even those that are tentatively taking steps to jump into the happenings of the world around them?
The world ain't gonna wait for you, baby. It's your call on what you want to do. Not ours.
Helena said:
I care about the forum, and the other people on it. I have made some nice friends here, and I've noticed many changes in culture here. Seeing how others act and behave has made me evaluate what I do and do not want for myself.
You care about the forum. So do a lot of us here. And frankly it's a damn shame that the only problem that you choose to focus on, isn't even an issue. You've been offered two solutions to your two problems. It is now on you (as it always was) about how you want to go about rectifying your issue.
I'm not going to hold your hand and I'm not going to pat you on the ass for having the courage to make such a disrespectful thread. If you wanted to seek out answers to questions, you could have done it in a completely different way that wasn't posed as a blatant attack. You should know better, Helena. You're a grown ass woman.
As a closer? I'm gonna keep sucking my nuk and I'm gonna keep speaking in code for as long as I want to. If that makes me some fucking hindrance to your experience? Then block me.
Helena said:
When I visit the forum, why should I not look at what others are doing?
That's your choice, Helena. No one's got a knife to your throat. (ZOMG BDSM.