I feel for Helena. I really do. I know what it's like to voice an opinion about a specific behavior and then watch the herd of arrogant self-righteous line up one by one and take their shot.
Here's something I have difficulty rationalizing. The binky kids' arguments basically amount to, "hey, if we like binkies, pigtails and baby talk, we should be able to do so without being flamed about it."
I actually agree with this. You should. But you're unwilling to grant that same consideration to those of us who think this trend is disturbing, weird, or even downright retarded. You treat it as a personal attack, but in reality it isn't. It's attacking a behavior or a trend, not a person.
Allow me to illustrate with a hypothetical. TMF member Ticklebabe27 loves wearing a binky at gatherings, speaks lolcat broken English in many of her posts. Tickledude64 sees this trend of lolcat talk and Binkies gaining momentum. There's any number of public ways he could react, but here are three possibilities:
Scenario 1 - Tickledude64 posts, "Have you seen the way Ticklebabe27 speaks all that lolcat? Jesus, what a retard!"
This would be a textbook TMF GR violation, because he attacks another member specifically.
Scenario 2 - Tickledude64 posts, "I'm hear to tell you, anybody who speaks lolcat is a freakin retard in my book."
This is borderline. He doesn't name anybody specific, but speaks in a more general sense. Still, the attack is against people, and so could be interpreted as a violation if one really wanted to.
Scenario 3 - Tickledude64 posts, "I think that speaking lolcat is a pretty retarded thing to do, as is the wearing of binkies at social gatherings. I really hate this fucked up and disturbing trend."
He's no longer attacking people but attacking specific behaviors. Now Ticklebabe64 might think, "ZOMG!! I IS BEEN ATTAKT!" But she's not. She's taking it personally because she has chosen to identify with this behavior.
"But drew," you say. "If he's attacking the behavior, and everybody knows she behaves this way, that's just as bad as attacking HER!"
No, it isn't. He's attacking a specific action or activity, not the person doing it. You can love a person but hate some of the things they do. Because what they do is seldom reflective of WHO THEY ARE, most certainly not in the case of lolcat baby talk and pacifier sucking. If her feelings get hurt from what he said, it's because she connected that particular activity to herself as a person. She made the connection, not he.
When one publicizes his/her participation in any strange behavior, there will be people who think it's cool and others who think it isn't. If you're acting weird in public way, you can't reasonably expect everybody be on board with it. It is equally unreasonable to expect those who think it's funny, strange, weird or disturbing to keep quiet about their feelings. Sorry guys, but society is just not that accommodating.
To the best of my knowledge, the TMF's ruleset forbids the attacking of other TMF members, but makes no mention of attacking behavioral trends. Once again, if this is not the case, I invite the mods and admins to clarify.