Tingler, Get Your Facts Straight
Hey guys,,,, All wrong about the tingler.
The tingler was this psycho-horror-killer-absurdity-mystery-ridiculous movie produced by Stupidio-Maximito Studios in NoBrains, California. It was released on the public in 1959. This Black-and-white thriller has no equal in the history of hollywood (or planet earth as a whole, for that matter).
The Tingler was this giant gross looking piece of sausage (maybe two feet long) with a coating of polyurethane varnish which made it look perpetually slick and slimy. It had two whopper-sized antennae which were used [A] for strangling its victims to death, and to allow two off-camera guys with fishing poles and light-duty fishing line (maybe 15-to-20 pound pull) to drag it into position for the next strang-ola.
Greatest line in the whole movie: "<I>Ladies and gentlemen, please do not panic, but <B> SCREAM FOR YOUR LIVES !!!</I></B> " I think Vincent Price was in the movie; nobody knows how he felt ten years later about signing that one.
For more information about this historically crucial turnpoint in the development of our society, I encourage any reader to research it on your favorite world wide waste of time search engines. Here's how I did my research...
I asked Jeeves this question...
<I> When was the movie called "The Tingler" made ? </I>
...and found a dozen or two good website references to the movie.
So now you know the truth about the tingler.