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Ellen's Yoga Tickle Party ("Exec Session" Follow-Up) FM/FM

Sorry...what was a work project became this thing unto itself, and then despite my best efforts to avoid responsibility it became my thing. Hoping to get back to writing before too long, but it may be a while.
Gonna have to reread all the other stories in the meantime! Take your time Quinn, we’ll be here when you’re free
Hey Quinn, Hope you've been well! Any updates on when we can expect the next installment? Also any chance we can get a little sneak peak, maybe a few enticing snippet descriptions of the tickle torture to come? 🙂
Hey Quinn, Hope you’ve been well!! I saw you posted on another thread earlier today so I thought I’d Just reach out and see if there’s any chance of another installation soon? Maybe a sneak peak? Truly anything would help so appreciated. I think I speak for all your readers when I say we truly love your content. You’re a singular writer and creator in this community. I know you’re probably very busy so no rush of course. However, if there’s any chance of getting even just a ticklish little morsel of new content soon, we’d all be so grateful 😉😍
My problem is I'm no Scott Turow, who can knock out a novel on commutes to and from work. I need whole days at a time to relax and focus, and those have been few and far between lately with new responsibilities at work. As soon as I'm able, though, I'll at least finish what I've started.

Sorry for the unplanned cliffhangers.
My problem is I'm no Scott Turow, who can knock out a novel on commutes to and from work. I need whole days at a time to relax and focus, and those have been few and far between lately with new responsibilities at work. As soon as I'm able, though, I'll at least finish what I've started.

Sorry for the unplanned cliffhangers.
You can’t rush art! More than understandable🙂
As always we’re looking forward to it 🙂
It may be more of a frustration than a consolation, but when I did get some time over the holidays I was distracted away from finishing my in-process stories by playing with Chat GPT. I was really pleased with the result and thought I'd post a link here (even though the story is fictional; sorry mods):

Ok, with my Chat GPT experiment fizzling, I promise I'll focus on nothing but new installments here until it's done. Look for something this weekend.
Ellen’s Yoga Tickle Party, Part 4

Zoe breezed past Darlene toward the house after her greeting, heels clicking efficiently on the sidewalk. Brett drifted along behind her, wandering into the snow at one point as he continued to stare at his phone while he walked. It might have been nice if he’d offered to help carry thirty or forty pounds’ worth of the casserole dishes that were weighing me down, but hey, maybe he thought I worked for the caterer. Anyway…millennials. Whatever.

We eventually got to the kitchen where Mindi and Jess stood like soldiers awaiting their orders, ready to help. I unburdened my load at the counter with a relieved sigh, and Darlene immediately took charge, lighting warmers and arranging dishes with practiced caterer’s skill. Mindi and Jess rolled up their sleeves as I stood there awkwardly, catching my breath.

“Quinn,” Darlene said, waving a spoon at me. “If you’re still hoping for a quickie, you’re out of luck. Now scram. Go mingle.”

The girls exchanged a glance and a giggle. With a theatrically dejected shrug, I spun and headed for the great room.

The main area of Ellen and Debra’s home was a warm bustle of buzzing conversation and friendliness. I had set up the tickle box earlier on a low, heavy table in front of a couch along one side of the room, and Ellen had placed a cocktail table nearby where rested a pledge sheet and a pen, awaiting nominations to raise money for a nearby women's shelter. I saw Rita and Zoe inspecting the box and meandered that way.

As I passed, I noticed Ellen had opened up a wet bar set back in the corner of the room. She and Brett were there talking, and it looked like he was getting a tour of the booze racks. At least he’d finally pocketed his phone.

When I arrived at the tickle box station, I noticed that Ellen had initiated the pledge sheet with a generous bid for Debra, which would earn the shelter twenty dollars for every minute her partner could stand being tickled, up to a maximum of five. According to the brief instructions Ellen had designed, pledgers could nominate specific individuals or simply put “all,” pledging to pay for every minute of tickling any volunteer could endure.

“This thing looks scary!” Rita exclaimed as I stepped up. “How did you come up with it?” Zoe just raised an eyebrow at me, wrists cocked on her hips.

“I guess necessity is the mother of invention,” I replied. Rita was clearly intrigued. She knelt by the box and removed its locking pins, sliding the wrist and ankle stocks up and down in their slots with a sparkle in her eye.

“So you actually lock people into this thing and tickle them?” Zoe asked, immediately checking herself. “Okay, I guess that’s a stupid question. But why? Why do they let you?”

“Lots of reasons,” I answered. “This evening, for instance, to raise money for charity.”

“Well…all right,” She allowed. “But that’s just… I mean it just seems…”

“Fun!” Rita finished, flashing a devious smile at her friend. She stood and grabbed the pen. “I’m putting you down for a pledge!”

Zoe’s face comically went into shock. “Don’t you dare!” But Rita was already writing.

Laura rescued me then, laying a hand on my shoulder. “Ellen wants to talk through the flow,” she offered quietly. “She’s out on the patio.” Then she looked up and brightened. “Ooh, I’m getting a drink! Want one?”

I followed Laura’s gaze to find Brett ensconced behind the bar, doing his best imitation of Tom Cruise from Cocktail. Jess was placing what appeared to be a bucket of ice in front of him, and looking a little desperate as he spoke to her. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but I could tell he was laying on the charm, Jess’ interest notwithstanding. Her big blue eyes looked mildly panicky as she struggled to politely turn away. “Sure,” I replied to Laura. “Let’s see if Flanagan over there can make an old fashioned.”

I left Laura talking to Rita and headed out to find Ellen.

Ellen and Debra were chatting in the patio’s cozy fire pit when I arrived, nibbling on plates of food and sipping wine. As I crossed the room, I noticed that Debra had kicked off her flats and was warming her bare feet by the flames, ankles crossed on the fireplace’s marble edge. Her feet were stunning—long and narrow like their owner, beautifully shaped, and looking impossibly soft as she flexed her toes in the flickering light. As I arrived she tucked them away, maybe self-consciously, maybe not.

I sat facing the great room, so as Ellen wrapped up with Debra I was able to see Laura and Rita cross toward the bar. Although Jess had finally escaped, Brett had drawn a small crowd by now and was busily mixing drinks and chattering away. That is, until he saw Laura. The double-take when she caught his eye was classic, and I could almost see him spinning up his best moves. A bigger smile, a little dimple, maybe a flex… poor guy had no idea.

Ellen did in fact want to talk through the flow, and Debra gave us about half her attention as we spoke. Eventually Laura and Rita joined us, Laura with my drink, and we all settled in.

My old fashioned was a triple shot of rye with maybe half a dash of bitters and a couple of lonely ice cubes. “Well, he’s not skimping on the booze,” I noted, swirling it in the firelight.

Laura raised an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure he’s trying to get everyone drunk. You’re probably going to have to restock the bar after this, Ellen.”

“He’s a piece of work,” observed Rita. “Good-looking kid, but I feel a little bad for Zoe. He’s flirting with everyone, and he was falling all over you.”

I looked at Laura. “What can I say,” she smiled. “I still got it. Maybe I'll show him a thing or two. You know, get ‘em young, teach ‘em right.”

“Just don’t kill him,” I said.

Somewhere along the way, Romi the yoga instructor arrived in a flurry of cold air and apologies. We could hear a swell of greetings precede her onto the patio, where she collapsed theatrically into a chair by the fire. Ellen made introductions, and Romi explained that her date had been sick when she came by to get him, so she’d stayed with him for a bit before making her way over alone.

Romi looked like a special forces instructor. Think Sarah Connor in Terminator 2, but funny. When she finally turned to me, she said, “So you’re the tickle therapy guy?” I nodded, and she looked at Laura. “And you’re his wife?”

“I am,” Laura smiled.

Romi nodded knowingly, looking between us again, blonde ponytail swinging. “I bet life is interesting at your place,” she said, and everyone laughed, even Debra.

We talked quietly for a while as people mingled, ate, and sipped their 200-proof drinks. Shortly I noticed that people were starting to take a deep and prying interest in the gift bags that had been scattered around the floor, with a few kneeling down to peek inside. I mentioned to Ellen that we should maybe get things rolling.

That got her on her feet. “Okay everyone!” she announced, leading us into the great room and clapping her hands. “Put away your plates and finish your drinks! It’s time to get tied up and tickled!”

To be continued…
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We appreciate you Quinn! This is going to be your Magnum Opus!
Oh, the Magnum Opus story had to be M's party that started it all over a year ago. That's where I met Ellen and also Lisa, who's been part of two follow-up sessions since.

Laura is now part of M's Support Group, by the way, and I understand all the ladies are all doing really well. She catches me up every so often.

Things are also good with Lisa. We chat now and then. She's not doing as many passion parties these days, but she's still keeping an eye out for more demo opportunities.
Honestly it was wonderful, the way you write is something to behold honestly. Hope we get another installment here soon, any free time on the horizon?
Ellen’s Yoga Tickle Party, Part 5

Debra demurred. After Ellen's announcement, Brett had faded away from the bar and into the woodwork, nose to phone, leaving us with an odd number. Palpably relieved, Debra decided to sit out the hogtie round and even things up.

"I wasn't too keen on being trussed on the floor like an animal anyway," she said, settling back on a couch to watch.

"You're just a big coward," Ellen grumped, to which Debra nodded agreeably. But Ellen wasn't too upset. Her backup partner was Laura.

Mindi paired with Jess, and Darlene with Rita, leaving Zoe to partner with Romi. The latter seemed like a good combination: physical intensity meets professional focus. They quickly fell into a tense little discussion, Romi's hand on Zoe's shoulder, when they realized they were grouped. Probably figuring out a scoring system to see who hogtied better.

Everyone changed into workout clothes and sorted themselves to a spot on the floor, rolling out their yoga mats next to one of the gift bags, which had become the focus of intense curiosity.

"Ok everyone, good news," I said. "You can finally open your bags."

Amidst the sounds of crumpling paper and soft squeals of delight, coils of soft white rope started to appear around the room. This was followed by laughter and surprised screams as inner packages were opened to reveal feathers, small plastic backscratchers, small tubs of fragrant skin cream, and vibrating wands. The wands were clit stimulators, truth be told, supplied courtesy of Lisa, our friend from M's original party.

"I just met some of you," I announced, "so I want to be clear: the vibrators were Ellen's idea."

"And they're all charged!" Ellen added. This got a round of laughs, and it was off to the races.

"Notice there are loops of colored electrical tape around the end of each rope," I explained. "That's so you know which rope to use for what. So just follow along and listen, watch Ellen and Laura, and I'll walk the room to check and help out as we go."

It was interesting to watch the pairs get ready. Laura had everything loosely stacked, and was reminiscing with Ellen and Debra about M's party. Mindi the math teacher was trying to get organized, but Jess kept grabbing and messing with things. Darlene and Rita's stuff was dumped in a pile, except Rita had pulled out her buzzy wand and was clicking through the settings. And Romi and Zoe's gear was arranged in neat parallel lines, probably alphabetized if I'd bothered to check.

I started by having each partner tie a harness around the other. It's non-restrictive, good practice with the ropes, and would make the coming hogtie a lot easier.

I was helping Ellen tie Laura's harness in the middle of the room, so everyone else could watch and follow along. Then Laura tied Ellen as I walked among the groups, checking and giving a hand where needed.

In no time, everyone was harnessed up. Here's what the harnesses look like:


It was time to choose the starting victims. After some finagling among the pairs and at least one game of rock-paper-scissors, the first four to be hogtied were Laura, Zoe, Darlene, and Mindi. We used the same approach: I helped Ellen tie up Laura, and the other tie-ers followed along with some occasional tips and help. Romi in particular seemed quite the natural, trussing poor complaining and wriggling Zoe with neat military efficiency.

Soon the first rounders were bound and struggling. Here's a good example of the hogtie we used:


Each partner watched their counterpart squirm for a bit, testing the ropes. "Now comes the fun part," teased Ellen as she peeled the ankle socks off Laura's kicking feet. "We never got a chance to tickle you at M's house."

"Nooo you didn't," Laura agreed, a sing-songy warble in her voice. Despite getting tickled a fair amount, she always dreads it a little, and plays a great damsel in distress.

I had checked all the ties and everything looked safe, so I took a deep breath and announced to everyone, "Ok! Now's your chance to—"

"YOW! YAA! HEY! YARP! EEK!" Behind me someone started barking like a small dog. I spun to find Romi giving me a devious half-smile as she straddled Zoe's shins and leaned forward to methodically pinch up and down her friend's hips and rib cage. The whole room laughed at Zoe's little screams as she twisted and thrashed, hair bobbing furiously.

"Stop that!" she shrieked, and just about then I heard Laura's familiar screams begin as Ellen started tickling her feet.

Darlene's response to being tickled, it turns out, is to issue increasingly graphic death threats. "Stop that! Hey! HEY! I'll kill you! I will fucking kill you! Haha! I'll rip your lungs out! STOP! Hahaha! Goddamn it! I'll twist your head off!" But Rita kept patiently digging at her ribs and sides regardless, an evil smile on her lips.

Mindi, you won't be surprised to hear, laughs exactly like the Mindi in the old Tickle Abuse video. Jess had peeled off her socks and was skittering her nails over the math teacher's feet, alternating with digs in the ribs.

I was probably the most fascinated, however, by Ellen tickling Laura. I love to watch women tickle my wife, and Ellen was great at it. Laura just loses herself in hysterical laughter when tickled, and Ellen was doing all the right things to keep her off balance. Laura's face was bright red as she thrashed under Ellen's fingers.

Even better though, was Zoe's reaction when Romi stopped tickling her ribs and started peeling off her black ankle socks.

"NO!!!" Zoe shrieked, bucking wildly in the ropes. But Romi had tied her like a pro. "Nononono stop stop stop!" Her cries were frantic enough that the other pairs stopped to watch.

The little half-smile never left Romi's face, though, as she finally tugged the socks away from Zoe's gripping toes, wiggling her fingers over the businesswoman's kicking feet. Zoe stilled herself and composed her face into a grim line, growling softly, when she accepted the inevitable.

"Oh, gonna resist?" Romi teased, and dug her nails in.

Zoe resisted for about three seconds, and then exploded into wild, panicky laugh-screaming. She thrashed like she was being electrocuted, but Romi had her legs firmly locked. Zoe’s bound hands flailed madly as her laughs dissolved into an “Oh oh OH! Oh please STOP! PLEASE I CAN'T!” and Romi finally relented. Everyone with free hands clapped as poor Zoe sagged in the ropes. Exhausted, she could only say, “You’re next.”

Everyone was untied, and the pairs switched places. Now Laura was hogtying Ellen, who had already started to giggle, causing even Debra to smile as she watched. I got very popular all of the sudden as everyone who had just been tickled wanted to be extra sure they could firmly restrain their partner to exact revenge. Zoe had a frighteningly determined look on her face, and I had to actually back her off a little to preserve Romi’s circulation. Then Jess called me over for the opposite reason – she wanted me to help Mindi tie her tighter. That was fun.

Rita had maybe the most interesting reactions. As Darlene looped her wrists to the harness, Rita was squirming and purring like a cat getting a belly rub. Darlene looked bemused and almost flustered by the vibes her partner was throwing, and called me over. “How do you tie up someone who wiggles too much?” she asked.

“Use more rope,” I suggested, and helped throw a double column tie around Rita’s ankles as Darlene lifted her legs. As I looped the rope, Rita rubbed her pretty, narrow feet together sensually, crossing one over the other with a soft susurrant noise as she continued to "Mmmmm..." very softly.

“I think you’ve created a monster,” Darla observed.

I gave her a small shrug. “Well, at least you can keep her tied up.”

As constant backdrop to this activity, Ellen was growling like an idling motorcycle, giggling and struggling, anticipating the tickling to start. Debra had slipped off the couch to join Laura, and they sat poised on either side of her.

“I think we’re all good!” I said, and immediately Ellen started screaming.

Noooooo!!!!” she yelled as Debra grabbed her hips and Laura whipped off her socks to start tickling her feet. She quickly spun up into the crescendo of high-pitched hysterical laughter and thrashing that I remembered so well from M’s.

Beside me, Jess lit up with laughter like tiny church bells as Mindi, laughing herself, had her way with the music teacher’s ribs and clenched underarms. She started to scream along with Ellen as Mindi worked down to her hips.

Zoe was furious. As she dug into Romi’s sides, the yoga instructor just tensed and scrunched her face, keeping herself on the edge of control, muscles like taut cables. Shifting tactics, Zoe peeled off Romi’s socks and tickled her feet. This earned her some muffled growls, but if anyone was keeping score, so far Romi was winning by a mile.

Rita just laughed. There was no resistance, no screaming, and really not even much thrashing around. It was as if she just accepted her fate and let the laughter flow straight from her core. If anything—much to Darlene’s shocked delight—it was mixed with moans of pleasure.

“Use the tool!” I heard Laura shout from behind me. She was talking to Zoe, who was still trying to break her partner down. But Romi hadn’t laughed yet, although her face was flushed dark red. Lighting up, Zoe shook a vibrator out of its box and clicked it on. As it whirred to life, Romi looked back and gasped “No!

But then Zoe dug the buzzy wand’s uncovered tip between Romi’s toes, finally getting the scream and burst of laughter she was looking for. Triumphant, she locked Romi’s ankles in the crook of her arm and went to town with the tool, putting Romi into fresh thrashing hysterics.

Finally, it ended with another round of applause. Panting gave way to laughing and joking as everyone was untied. “Go ahead and take the harnesses off, too,” I suggested. "You won’t want them for the tickle therapy, and we won’t need them again tonight.”

“Tickle therapy starts in fifteen minutes!” Ellen announced. I saw Laura whisper in her ear.

As ropes started hitting the floor, the ladies began drifting toward the bar, most everyone needing a stiff drink. But our bartender was nowhere to be seen.

I finally spotted him behind the soft glow of a screen in the far corner of the covered patio. But as the ladies made their own drinks, everyone decided to leave him be for now.

To be continued…
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Amazing work! Such great details. Were Darlene's feet ticklish at all? Is that a subtle hint that bartender boy is gonna get it? Lol
I’m completely hooked on this! The exec session was incredible, but I can’t stop thinking about this follow up. I just got back from the gym, and it took all my willpower not to keep glancing over at the yoga class near the weights area. For me, I’m absolutely infatuated with the parts where Laura gets tickled. There’s something about the way you describe her that’s so charming and captivating - it’s impossible not to focus on her. I was really hoping she’d get tickled in the exec session, so reading this has been amazing. Have you written any other stories where Laura gets tickled?
I still love the way Ellen just surrenders to her tickling. Zoe sounds interesting...
I’m completely hooked on this! The exec session was incredible, but I can’t stop thinking about this follow up. I just got back from the gym, and it took all my willpower not to keep glancing over at the yoga class near the weights area. For me, I’m absolutely infatuated with the parts where Laura gets tickled. There’s something about the way you describe her that’s so charming and captivating - it’s impossible not to focus on her. I was really hoping she’d get tickled in the exec session, so reading this has been amazing. Have you written any other stories where Laura gets tickled?
Laura took a turn in the box at Ellen's for the fundraiser, which is coming up. I wrote an earlier story about her and my friend M. It's at the true stories link in my sig; I think it's called Alpha Lady Tickle Switch.

I'm biased but she is an amazing lady. 🙂
I still love the way Ellen just surrenders to her tickling. Zoe sounds interesting...
Rita was like Ellen. They both have a hippie vibe, which might have something to do with it. Zoe has the opposite of a hippie vibe and fought in her hogtie like a tiger when Romi tickled her.

Maybe it's a Type A / Type B thing. Fight for control versus go with the flow.
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