This particular thread is not usually my thing, but i was fascinated by the responses on this thread. I have seen Tyler's posts on this forum and also the Mousepad and everyone usually has negative comments about it.
Here's my opinion. Does anyone that is against Tyler ever stop and think that maybe, just MAYBE this whole "creepiness" theme is a complete an utter fantasy? That perhaps the models in his videos are not really disgusted by this whole thing and are just paid models like the ones we see with other fetish producers?
Think about it for a moment. If these models were truly disgusted by his fetish, there is no way on Earth they would pose for these pictures. Would they take the money? yes, but if they do accept the money, why would they put on a "unhappy" face? This producer is paying these models to appear as though they do not like this whole foot fetish thing. Notice Tyler goes "overboard" with the whole creepiness thing. He WANTS you to think he is creepy. If he was, we would see footage of him taking photos of women without their knowledge. The women I have seen on his site are located in his house or whatever and do you know any woman who is willing to put herself on camera, be truly disgusted by the foot fetish thing and still WANT to do it? Seems far fetched to me.
This guy is selling a fantasy and it is working great. He wants people to be creeped out by it, but it will appeal to some. He is trying a different angle than what we usually see and his responses to you helps keep that "angle" going. In other words, your responses are pretty much EXACTLY what he wants to see. Hence the term "creepiness".
I highly doubt this woman was TRULY angry at him. If she was, why would she take 28.00 and AGREE to have him take pictures of her sleeping feet?
Here's my opinion. Does anyone that is against Tyler ever stop and think that maybe, just MAYBE this whole "creepiness" theme is a complete an utter fantasy? That perhaps the models in his videos are not really disgusted by this whole thing and are just paid models like the ones we see with other fetish producers?
Think about it for a moment. If these models were truly disgusted by his fetish, there is no way on Earth they would pose for these pictures. Would they take the money? yes, but if they do accept the money, why would they put on a "unhappy" face? This producer is paying these models to appear as though they do not like this whole foot fetish thing. Notice Tyler goes "overboard" with the whole creepiness thing. He WANTS you to think he is creepy. If he was, we would see footage of him taking photos of women without their knowledge. The women I have seen on his site are located in his house or whatever and do you know any woman who is willing to put herself on camera, be truly disgusted by the foot fetish thing and still WANT to do it? Seems far fetched to me.
This guy is selling a fantasy and it is working great. He wants people to be creeped out by it, but it will appeal to some. He is trying a different angle than what we usually see and his responses to you helps keep that "angle" going. In other words, your responses are pretty much EXACTLY what he wants to see. Hence the term "creepiness".
I highly doubt this woman was TRULY angry at him. If she was, why would she take 28.00 and AGREE to have him take pictures of her sleeping feet?