hivoltage said:That's one of the few clips I have ever LOL'd at. It was funny.
But it ain't for foot ticklers - which is why I have never bought one of the clips from this store - even though the tickling looks pretty good.
Too much upper body, too playful, too sexual.
More feet, better bondage, more emphasis on tickle torment.
Just my 2 cents.
Jeffy said:What are you talking about voltage this guy tickles the sh*t out of his girls from what I see. All he needs to do now is make clip specific videos for everyones tastes so they know what they are getting. Instead of a continual shuffling around from one body part to the next, when he does a seesion with a girl, he needs to tickle her in one part like crazy for a while before moving on to the next part. That way he has long footage of each body part that he can the seperate into clips for everyones tastes. That way people arent guesing going "hmm i wonder if i should buy this clip or not because i really like foot tickling, but im not sure how much there is of that in this video" Same thing goes for pits ribs feet etc. If people dont know what they are getting in a video, and they cant be sure that their fav part isnt tilckled for a long time, they are going to be scared to fork out the cash for the clip and might not like. So all he needs to do is have clips that foccuss on each persons individual tastes, and possibly a little tighter bondage, then everythingwill be good.
hivoltage said:I guess I wasn't being very clear.
By "too playful" I meant "too much thrashing around" - not my thing.
It looks to me in the clips that while the tickling is great - there is way more emphasis on thrashing than laughing - imho.
tcu said:isn't the female a bit too young?! I'm not interested in child pornographie! so please take your business serious. I don't want to have standing the police in front of my door cause of having downloaded a clip like that!
MÿTicklingStudios said:Thank you so much to everyone for spending the time to watch the clip, it seems there was a typo error in my original post...
For those that couldn't see the movie before, now you can...
(I missed the "s" off previews) in my original post. 🙂
The intermitent tickling is due to the editing of the preview clip. The full version is relentless, relentless enough to break her no doubt. From what I've read of you on this board, and I really don't mean to be bias, I feel that my content fits your style very closely. 😉TickledToDeath said:Ah this link worked.
Not bad. Tickling was too intermitent(not prolonged). Should have been more wide angle shots so as to see both the face and where she was being ticked.