hardcore Simpsons fans
This isn't really a quote....it's just a reminder of how no matter how serious a fan of something you are, there is always someone, somewhere who is MUCH more serious a fan than you! lol
The following is from the newsgroup, alt.tv.sipmsons in response to the query: "Is Bart left or right-handed?":
Generally Bart is left-handed. But the animators have, depending
on what is required in a scene, draw Bart right-handed. And it's
pretty funky to see Bart using both hands a few episodes.
FYI this left-handedness drew some arguments on the newsgroup,
earlier in its history, that some of us started to compared notes.
Here's my compilation from several years back:
Homer is left-handed in episode: 2F05
Homer is right-handed in episodes: 7F11,7F12,8F06,8F13,8F15,1F01,
Homer uses both hands in episodes: 7F23,2F22
Marge is left-handed in episodes: 9F18,2F33,2F15
Marge is right-handed in episodes: 7G08,9F03,2F05
Bart is left-handed in episodes: 7G02,7G08,7F03,8F06,3F02
Bart is right-handed in episodes: 1F20,2F32,3F06
Bart uses both hands in episodes: 7F23,8F15,8F16,2F22
Lisa is left-handed in episode: 8F24.
Lisa is right-handed in episodes: 7G08,7F24,8F01,8F15,2F32
Maggie is left-handed in episodes: 1F17,2F32
Maggie is right-handed in episode: 9F12
Ned is right-handed in episodes: 7F08,3F10
Homer's mom is right-handed in episode: 3F06
All of Ms. Hoover's class seemed to be right handed in episode: 1F17
Apu is right-handed in episode: 3F10
Barney is right-handed in episode: 2F16
Burns is right-handed in episode: 3F10
Chalmers is left-handed in episode: 3F10
Chief Wiggum is right-handed in episode: 3F10
Jimbo is right-handed in episode: 3F02
Ms. Hoover is right-handed in episode: 8F15
Ralph is right-handed in episode: 2F16
Rev. Lovejoy is right-handed in episode: 3F10
Showshow Bob is right handed in episode: 9F22
Smithers is right-handed in episode: 2F20
Some people who might be left-handed (7F23):
Akira Dr. Monroe Mrs. Lovejoy
Apu Dr. Riviera Ms. Krabappel
Barney Jasper Otto
Burns Karl Princess Kashmere
Chief Wiggum Kent Brockman Richie Sakai
Chuck Ellis Krusty Sideshow Mel
Cowboy Bob Mayor Quimby Skinner
Dr. Hibbert Moe The Happy Sumo Master Chef
"Damned infernal gizmo. My kingdom for a left-handed can opener!"
-- Monty Burns